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Messaging & Collaboration

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This section contains information on using Microsoft technologies to facilitate interpersonal communication, either throgh e-mail, chat, or other interactive technologies such as Microsoft NetMeeting.

Microsoft Exchange Server

One of the major components of the Messaging & Collaboration section concerns Microsoft Exchange Server. We feature two in-depth technical pieces. The first, "Extending Web-Based Knowledge Management with Microsoft Exchange Server," links the search and Knowledge Management features of Microsoft Site Server 3.0 with the ability to handle threaded discussions, chats, and contact databases provided by Exchange Server 5.5. "The Routing Problem" discusses how Exchange Server's Routing Objects and Routing Engine were designed to make it much easier to track and manage all kinds of documents through whatever review processes your company requires. There is also a link to more information about other features of Exchange Server.

Microsoft NetMeeting

Another major article is the definitive guide to understanding how the COM interfaces of Microsoft NetMeeting 2.1 work. This is the place to start if you want to add conferencing or collaborative capabilities to your own applications. For even more detail, check out the NetMeeting SDK.

Microsoft Chat

Finally, if you're interested in adding chat to your application, we can point you in the right direction.

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