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Technical Questions
How do I create my own Pluggable Protocol for Internet Explorer version 4.0 and later?
I created a permanent pluggable namespace handler and entered a pattern
into the registry for the namespace handler. However, my namespace handler is
called for all protocol calls and not just the ones that match the patterns I
entered into the registry.
Internet Explorer 4.0 ignores the pattern keys set in the registry when
determining which permanent pluggable namespace handlers to invoke. The
resolution is to create a temporary pluggable namespace handler instead
of a permanent namespace handler. This is explained in the following Knowledge Base article:
BUG: Registry Patterns Ignored for Pluggable Namespace Handlers.
I'm using URL Monikers to download data and I need to obtain low-level WinInet
information about the download. How can I do this?
I would like to use the URL Monikers to send data to an HTTP server using the POST method.
How can I do this?
Knowledge Base article
SAMPLE: PostMon.exe Demonstrates Using URL Moniker to POST Data explains the requirements for using URL
Monikers to POST data to an HTTP server. The article includes a sample
called PostMon.exe, which is a dialog-based application that demonstrates
the modifications necessary to perform a POST.