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Microsoft Authenticode Trademark Usage Guidelines

Microsoft Corporation

August 7, 1996

All companies benefit from proper use of trademarks. Microsoft invests a lot in the products and technology our trademarks represent--by developing the products to be top-quality and by marketing them so that consumers appreciate and demand that quality. The equity built up in our unique products and technology is represented in our trademarks.

The following are a few Do’s and Don’ts to guide you in the proper use of the Microsoft® Authenticode™ technology name.

DON’T use Microsoft trademarks or product names as part of your product name.

Microsoft trademarks may not be incorporated as part of the name of another company’s product or service. You may not include "Authenticode™," or any potentially confusing variation in the name of your product or service. This same rule applies to other Microsoft trademarks, such as "Microsoft®," which should never be included in your product name or company name.

DO use Microsoft trademarks in a proper referential manner.

We encourage you to note the compatibility of your product with the Microsoft Authenticode technology on your Web site, on packaging, collateral material, and advertising provided you follow the guidelines outlined in this document. You should use phrases such as "works with," "compatible with," or "for" Microsoft® Authenticode™ technology. Your product name and company name must appear more prominently than Authenticode and the Authenticode trademark should be visually distinguished from your product name by putting it in a non-distinctive font and putting the trademark on a different line. This is important to avoid any implication that your product is produced, endorsed, or supported by Microsoft.

"Do" example:

"Don’t" example:

DO use proper trademark symbols:

When you use the Authenticode trademark, be sure to include the following references:

DO use Microsoft trademarks or product names as proper adjectives.

Trademarks identify a company’s goods or services. A trademark is a proper adjective that modifies the generic name of a product or service. Microsoft is the house trademark used to identify all products and services that originate from Microsoft. Authenticode identifies Microsoft code recognition technology. Be sure to place the generic name, "the descriptor," immediately after the trademark or the product name.

Proper adjective Generic name or descriptor
Authenticode technology

DON’T use any language that implies that Authenticode "certifies" or "verifies" your company, product, or the way in which your product is distributed. Do not use the mark in a manner that suggests that Microsoft is warranting or has tested your product. "Do" Example:

"Don’t" Example:

DON’T use Microsoft trademarks or product names as possessives or in plural forms.

"Do" Example:

"Don’t" Example:

DON’T abbreviate

"Don’t" Example:

DON’T use Microsoft trademarks or product names with your company name.

To avoid confusion in the marketplace, Microsoft trademarks or product names may not be incorporated into your company name (whether a corporate name or a name under which you do business).

"Don’t" Example:

DON'T create a graphic or design out of the Authenticode trademark and do not include this trademark in any logos.

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