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CIP Manager Tutorial for Microsoft Visual Basic

Microsoft Corporation

January 21, 1999


This online tutorial illustrates how to develop applications for the Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP) Manager. This version of the tutorial is targeted to developers who use Microsoft® Visual Basic®.

Module 1 explains how to create a Visual Basic application that sends a business data object to a remote trading partner. In the example provided, the business data object represents a simple purchase order for books.

Module 2 illustrates how to write an application integration pipeline component that receives a business data object. The example uses the same business data object that is sent by the application created in Module 1. You can use the techniques described in this module to create any pipeline component for CIP Manager.

System requirements

To use the tutorial, download the .exe file to the same computer on which CIP Manager is installed. The following should be installed on your machine:

Download the CIP Manager tutorial EXE (439 KB) here. Download

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