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ASP Component Catalog

Mike Fenbert
Microsoft Corporation

Updated: November 4, 1998
More components added!

Benefits of Active Server Pages
ASP Components Catalog
Developer Resource Sites


Imagine creating a Web site that can be personalized to fit the needs of your users. Active Server Pages (ASP) technology enables you to do just that!

ASP provides an open, compilation-free environment in which you can combine HTML, scripts, and reusable ActiveX™ Server Components to create dynamic Web pages. Built to encapsulate business logic, ActiveX server components can be developed in almost any language, including Java and Microsoft® Visual Basic®.

There are many ActiveX server components already available for your use. The MSDN Online Web Workshop team is excited to bring you this online catalog of components you can use as building blocks for your Web pages and Web-based applications. To find out more about ASP, see ASP benefits before perusing the catalog.

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Benefits of Active Server Pages

With ASP, it's easy to build applications that run on a Web server. Use any language you like, and don't worry about having to compile -- ASP does all the work for you:

*Scripting. ASP enables HTML authors and Web professionals to create powerful Web pages by simply adding in-line scripting to any HTML page. ASP supports any scripting language (with native support for Visual Basic® Scripting Edition [VBScript] and JScript™). Web developers can write scripts that are executed on the client or on the server.

*Server components. ASP uses ActiveX server components running on the local server (or on another server on the network) to access databases and applications, and to process information. You can use server components written in any language, including Visual Basic, C++, COBOL, and Java. Internet Information Server (IIS) 3.0 ships with a core set of components, including the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), which provide easy access to any OLE/DB or ODBC-compatible data source.

*Browser support. Scripts and components included in ASP files are processed completely on the server. The page that's delivered to your client is pure, standard HTML and viewable by all browsers.

*Customization. ASP provides easy access to all HTTP server variables, including browser type and referring page, so you can develop pages that are customized for each user.

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ASP Components Catalog

This is the current list of companies and consultants that have created ASP components. If you have created an ASP component, we invite you to submit a description of it to be considered for inclusion in this list. Send your description to this alias:

(Please note that the links below point to servers that are not under Microsoft's control. See Microsoft's official statement Non-MSDN Online link regarding other servers.)

Company Component(s) Component Description
4Vision, Inc.Non-MS link   Consulting and ASP component services available.
Active4Non-MS link PCAuthX This ActiveX component enables you to authorize credit card transactions using PC Authorize Hub from Tellan Software.Non-MS link
Active Internet SolutionsNon-MS link TimeEntry This internet server application enables rapid online time entry with access from the Internet.
ActiveState Tool Corp.Non-MS link PerlScript Perl scripting engine for Active Server. Provides full Perl functionality plus access to all Active Server Components.
Advanced Network EngineeringNon-MS link Several New versions of all components posted October 26, 1998.
AdventiaNon-MS link Adventia Chat Server 2.0 Adventia Chat Server 2.0 is a very powerful HTML-only chat server, which allows you to add a chat room to your site that anyone can use. The user's browser does not need to be Java- or ActiveX-enabled. Adventia also allows you to operate the chat room in moderated mode, and to log the conversation threads to a file.
Alexander AltotskyNon-MS link File Copy/Delete/Move component The separate functions are provided in one component, along with documentation.
AttachmateNon-MS link Extra! HostView Server EXTRA! HostView Server deploys 3270 sessions from a Windows NT-based intranet server in the form of Java and ActiveX components. Users launch these components with popular browsers.
Aufrance AssociatesNon-MS link Calendar Internet Calendar Internet provides an automated seachable database of events for Web sites that run on Windows NT Web servers (Microsoft IIS). It's a complete application that integrates the Web server, domain name server, Visual Basic, and Microsoft Access.
Beverly Hills SoftwareNon-MS link BHS Calendar Component The BHS Calendar Component Beta 2 is now available for downloading. What's New for BETA 2: Component name changed to BHSCal.Calendar, database structure has changed, now works with Microsoft Access databases, new properties, color schemes, and selectable views based on User Name.
BitshopNon-MS link Active Merchandiser This Online Shopping Mall software is designed specifically to integrate with Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft Office 97. It's scalable from small stores to very large ones. Based on Active Server Pages, Active Merchandiser includes all source code and an unlimited site license for you to build your own shopping mall!
C&S System SolutionsNon-MS link ZForum, NetAuction, ZIntranet Go to the products page for a listing and descriptions.
Chili!SoftNon-MS link Chili!ASP,   Chili!Reports Chili!ASP enables ASP applications to be created and run on a variety of Web server platforms. Chili!Reports is a robust ODBC database reporting application that allows you to design and deliver reports over the Web in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
CyberOps, Inc.Non-MS link ADvantage High-performance banner ad management for IIS sites. Free and professional versions available.
cyScapeNon-MS link Browserhawk version 1.0 BrowserHawk is a high-power alternative to the browser capability component and browscap.ini, yielding unprecedented accuracy and ease of use in browser detection for ASP scripts.  In addition to recognizing thousands more user agents than browscap.ini, Browserhawk recognizes every single IE and NN browser, regardless of platform, version, proxy, and other information in the user agent. BrowserHawk also provides information on more than twice  as many properties, including FileUpload, OSDetails, MouseOver, SSL, Authenticode, StyleSheets, DHTML, Language, and many more. It also features a built-in browser definition editor and fully automated maintenance of definition files.
DameWare DevelopmentNon-MS link DameWare DimIIS, DameWare DfsIIS IIS extensions: samples are a feedback form and a search engine.
The Digital Foundry, Inc.Non-MS link WorldWideChat (WWC) 1.0 This ActiveX Server Component adds chat capabilities to Active Server Web sites. WWC is implemented as an Internet Server API (ISAPI) DLL and is highly customizable. It uses standard HTML pages to create unique chat environments, and can also be configured to support thousands of separate chat rooms simultaneously.
DimacNon-MS link w3 JMail
w3 Sitetree
w3 Utils
w3 Sockets
w3 Upload
w3 JMail is the leading SMTP-component for ASP-coders. It is also free. w3 Sitetree creates an explorer like navigation tree on your webpage. It can scan your filesystem and recreate the structure in the tree. w3 Utils is a powerful set of tools for ASP coders with functions such as string formatting, pinging and string validation. w3 Sockets communicates with tcp/ip sources. w3 Upload makes file upload via webpages really easy. Also it allows you to attach files to emails sent with w3 JMail.
EurosourceNon-MS link Several components Eurosource has developed several components like EsSmtp, EsFinger, EsPop, EsPing, EsPing, EsDes, and many, many more for use in development with Active Server Pages.
Ermas Consulting Inc.Non-MS link Ermas Components -- Active Server Suite Ermas Components and Consulting for IIS/ASP. A demo site displays the Ermas components.
Flicks SoftwareNon-MS link Eyescope, SubscriptiX, OCXMail, AuthentiX, ASPSort, and OcxQMail Components Eyescope: Browser-based power. Real-time Web site analysis.

AuthentiX: The essential tool for Web site access management. "Basic Authentication" and more while keeping your Windows NT User Names and Passwords private. Validate against internal database or external ODBC datasource.

SubscriptiX: Turn-key Commerce Solution for credit card subscriptions to protected IIS Web directories.

AuthentiX ISP: Multi-user version for Internet Service Providers. Allows an ISP's customers to create and administer protected directories remotely.  

OCXMail: FREE (with tag) Great for mailing form results! More people are using OCXMail than all other commercial competitors combined. Here's why: Flicks Software's OCXMail ASP component allows you to send mail using the standard SMTP protocol from any program that can use ActiveX/OLE components. 

ocxQmail ocxQmail speeds Active Server Pages by queueing messages for later dispatch by a separate process.  

ASPSort Fast sorting of ASP arrays.

Fourth Technologies Inc.Non-MS link 4TEK WEBDB 4TEK WEBDB is a user-friendly, efficient, rapid Multiuser Query and Application Builder that allows intranet and Internet users to connect to ODBC-compliant databases, and create and maintain Web applications by cooperative development directly through the Web browser.
GrateX InternationalNon-MS link JavaLighter, Time.Zone JavaLighter Component is dedicated to developers' publishing needs. It does standard J++ highlighting on .java files saved on the server. Time.Zone counts and returns time offset in a city as an argument against GMT.
Hexillion TechnologiesNon-MS link Ping, Tracroute, HTTP, Whois, Finger, and more See the Hexillion components pageNon-MS link for documentation on each.
iMECA Co., Ltd.Non-MS link Several Power-Web ASP components available iMECA Co. has a number of Power-Web components available that provide functionality in different areas like BBS, Chat, Mail, Graphs, Indexers, etc.
InfomentumNon-MS link ActiveProfile, ActiveFile Personalize your Active Server Pages application without relying on browser cookies. ActiveProfile makes it easy. Set program and user group defaults for your application or let users set their own options. ActiveProfile provides a multi-user solution to the problem of adding customization capabilities to Web-enabled applications. Compliant with RFC 1867, ActiveFile adds file upload and download to your ASP scripts. Manipulate files, directories, database BLOBs and more.
Internet Express Inc.Non-MS link ASPBroker ActiveX Component The ASPBroker component is a new server-side ActiveX component that enables you to share ASP Session variables among different sessions. A few lines of code is all it takes to create a brokered session!
JA Computing, Inc.Non-MS link jBASE OBjEX Provides the entire NF2 database programming language and database to Visual Basic, VBScript, JavaScript and other ActiveX components.
Jeroen RitmeijerNon-MS link ASPFileFunctions In short, this File Functions component offers the following functionality:
  • Retrieve a list of files including information like the size and date
  • File copying
  • Delete files and directories
  • Create directories
  • Rename files and directories
  • Move files and directories
  • Sorting of files based on several criteria
Jon A. MnemonicNon-MS link WebJam 1.15 Extensive ASP function library. File/directory I/O, server-side multimedia, textfile handling, INI file support, and much much more. Free for non-commercial use.
Linguistic Technology CorporationNon-MS link English Wizard Web/Server English Wizard enables users to access any relational database using English.
Live Software, Inc.Non-MS link JRun JRun (for IIS) is a set of Java classes and native code that can extend your Web server or application to support Java Servlets.
Luxent WebworksNon-MS link WebGrid 3.0 WebGrid® is a Web-database publishing product designed to integrate with all Web site authoring environments, and deliver a wide range of formatting, reporting, and data-management capabilities for use in Internet and intranet servers.
Major Micro Systems, Inc.Non-MS link ASP-db
  • Publish your live database with only 4 lines of ASP code!
  • Your data can be displayed in "grid" mode, "form" mode, or both!
  • You can "hide" any fields, or customize any field title.
  • ASP-db has a powerful built-in record selection filter option.
  • Sophisticated buffering sends the user records in page-size blocks
  • Columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by simply clicking the column title!
  • Download function to download the table to a spreadsheet, database or word processor.
  • ASP-db has 15 built-in color schemes for displaying your tables.
  • Turn any field into a "hot linked" field (A HREF) with "drill-down" capability in only 3 lines of code!
  • Handles multiple databases on the same Web page simultaneously.
  • ASP-db reads Microsoft Access (.MDB) files, or any ODBC data source.
  • Much more!
MapInfoNon-MS link MapInfo ProServer, MapMarker, MapXsite, MapXtreme, and SpatialWare ProServer offers a complete Internet/intranet mapping solution; MapXsite is a powerful and flexible "find the nearest" application. OCX/Active X with RPC Server is the Internet/intranet geocoding solution for your business. It immediately assigns geographic coordinates to information as it is entered into your database, so users can access up-to-date information in real time. MapXtreme is a mapping application server for your intranet or extranet. It enables companies to visualize their data on a map to discover new relationships and trends not apparent when viewing data on spreadsheets and reports. SpatialWare is the ideal database storage, access, and management tool for front-end mapping applications of MapInfo Professional, MapX, and MapXtreme.
Marcus SchurstredtNon-MS link ASPFreeMail ASPFreeMail can:
  • Send E-Mail via your SMTP Server
  • Use TO and CC lists
  • Send text (or vars) directly from ASP
  • Send attachments via UUENCODE
  • Reports send bytes
Maximized SoftwareNon-MS link MaxEcho, FlashStats, FlashLog MaxEcho is an ASP component that enables you to process credit cards directly over the Internet at near-instant speeds. Sample scripts are provided to make it easy to modify for your own needs.
ModernSoftNon-MS link ModernSoft GuardX ModernSoft GuardX is a set of four portable ActiveX components that password-protects your programs, dialogs, menu-items -- any program feature you need to protect. ModernSoft GuardX delivers secure password protection in minutes -- without programming!
National InstrumentsNon-MS link Component Works ActiveX server components ComponentWorks is a collection of 32-bit ActiveX controls for instrumentation designed for Visual Basic, Visual C++®, Borland Delphi, and Internet Explorer. With ComponentWorks, you can build complete virtual instruments in these environments using the DAQ, analsysis, and user interface ActiveX controls from ComponentWorks.
Network Imaging Corporation Non-MS link 1View:Web Multimedia Object Manager (WebMOM) This product enables Web applications to function as enterprise-wide information management systems. It provides direct access to information objects from any Web browser using a scalable, distributed server and storage architecture. Using WebMOM, Web applications can access data residing across a variety of platforms and on legacy systems.
Patrick J. SteeleNon-MS link State Of The Art, Inc. ; GIF widthxheight component It contains two functions for common text conversion of ASCII text into Web pages, StringToHTML and TextToHTML.
Persits Software, Inc.Non-MS link AspNTUser, AspAccessControl, AspGrid AspNTUser enables you to add, delete, and rename Windows NT users and groups, change passwords and membership information, impersonate user accounts and set account properties. AspAccessControl enables you to manipulate permissions on securable Windows NT objects such as files, directories, and registry keys. AspGrid is a real data-bound server-site control. It enables you to create a read/write interface to an ODBC database table with as little as 5 lines of ASP code. Online demo available.
PSTRUH SoftwareNon-MS link

ScriptUtils, UserManager, RSConvert, TCPIP

ScriptUtils allows working with safearray binary data, UserManager contains simple objects for creating, deleting, managing, and enumerating user accounts and groups, RSConvert is a control for converting DAO or ADO recordsets to MDB or DBF files, and TCPIP is an object for simple IP adress and host name resolution, ASP, and VB TraceRoute. filter that lets you use any ODBC data source (SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, and so forth) to store users' names and passwords, and provide access to protected pages of your Web site.
QuikSoftNon-MS link EasyMail The EasyMail SMTP and POP3 ActiveX objects together can generate and retrieve Internet e-mail.
Rajiv Pant'sNon-MS link ActiveX Programming A package to send mail from Java programs.
Sax Software CorporationNon-MS link Sax NetSell Sax NetSell is a set of commerce components and Design-time ActiveX controls. Sax NetShell is integrated with Microsoft Transaction Server.
Seagate SoftwareNon-MS link Crystal Reports Seagate Crystal Reports, the market-leading desktop query and report writer, is for anyone who needs to report or query directly from data sources, provide reports, or include reporting in database applications. Access over 30 data sources and perform powerful data analysis with presentation-quality output. Version 6 sets the standard for Web-enabled reporting.
ServerObjects Inc.Non-MS link   Steve has created numerous components.
Software ArtisansNon-MS link SA-FileUp SA-FileUp enables users with a Web browser to transmit files from their local hard disk to a Web server (Microsoft IIS). Files can be of any format, such as Microsoft Word documents, images or plain text. Files up to 2 GB in size can be transmitted.
Software FX, Inc.Non-MS link Chart FX Internet Edition With Chart FX Internet Edition you can develop Internet applications with dazzling charts that users can edit and customize in real time.
SoftWingNon-MS link EventCalendar, W3Info Object, etc.. This site contains various components from an event calendar to online events logging.
Steve Orth Non-MS link HTMLess HTMLess is a HTML-to-ASCII text converter. It is a C++ dll that takes as input the path of an HTML file. It returns two files: the formatted text file and a file containing the HTML tags. It formats the text file based on the HTML tags and it converts special characters. In addition, because it parses the HTML file using pointers, it is very fast.
Stonebroom Software Non-MS link ServerZip ServerZip provides real-time file compression on the server. It creates compressed files in the industry-standard ZIP format that can be unzipped using any other standard zip utility program.
TDC, Inc.Non-MS link TCal TCal enables ASP developers to add robust calendar functions to their applications.
TIPSNon-MS link MailPost MailPost is a powerful 32-bit CGI for Windows-based Web servers that e-mails the contents of an HTML form to any e-mail address. MailPost mimics the UNIX CGI e-mail program. It features required fields, template files, success and error pages, auto-replies, and URL redirection.
TTM & Associates Inc.Non-MS link ActiveCT TTM's ActiveX Developer tools include ActiveX technolgy for rapid application development in Visual Basic, HTML, and ASP.
VideoSoftNon-MS link VideoSoft offers several products including: VSDATA,VSREPORTS, VSDOCX, VSDIRECT, and VSSPELL VSDOCX will automatically document your ActiveX controls. VSREPORTS will allow you to publish Microsoft Access-created reports using Visual Basic or any ActiveX container without having Access installed on the user's machine. VSDIRECT is an ActiveX control package that allows Visual Basic developers to exploit the power and speed of Microsoft DirectX technology. VSSPELL allows you to easily add spell checking and thesaurus functionality to any Windows application.
XACT Computer Non-MS link ActiveMail ActiveMail allows you to send e-mail directly from ASP via SMTP. Supports multiple recipients, CC and BCC, special headers and MS mail headers. Evaluation version is free.
XLNTNon-MS link ToolBox ToolBox SQL Anywhere is a Web-based administration kit built in ASP. ToolBox will connect to any ODBC source on the same Network or on the Internet that is an SQL Anywhere source.


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Developer Resource Sites

These sites provide pointers to more ASP Components as well as other useful resources:

Microsoft IIS Site Non-MSDN Online link (IIS samples, components, and utilities)

15 Seconds Non-MS link

ActiveX Server Bulletin Board Non-MS link Non-MS link

ASPHole Non-MS link

Bitshop Non-MS link

Softwing Non-MS link


Zak's Solutions Non-MS link

Author Mike Fenbert is a technical evangelist for IIS, in the Developer Relations Group.

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