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Test Drive Microsoft Systems Management Server

Section 8 of the version 2.0 (Beta 2) Reviewer's Guide

Microsoft Corporation

Posted July 24, 1998

Installing Systems Management Server
Managing the Manager
Discovering and Managing Resources
Distributing and Installing Software
Hardware and Software Inventory
Software Metering
Remote Diagnostics
More Information
Appendix C: System Requirements for Beta 2

Editor's note: This document is an excerpt of the Systems Management Server Version 2.0 (Beta 2) Reviewer's Guide. The complete Reviewer's Guide Non-MSDN Online link is available in downloadable Word format from the Systems Management Server site. In addition, you'll want to read What's New in Systems Management Server 2.0 Non-MSDN Online link.

Section 8: Introduction

The remainder of this guide takes you through a series of common user scenarios so that you can experience the capabilities of Systems Management Server 2.0 (Beta 2). Beginning with installing the product, this section will step you through the user interface, configuration, and client discovery. It also covers the various management functions such as software distribution, inventory, metering, and remote diagnostics.

Some of the scenarios require a client computer, preferably one running Windows NT® Workstation version 4.0. All scenarios require at least a server.

8.1 Installing Systems Management Server

This section walks you through the process of installing Systems Management Server 2.0 (Beta 2), and helps you become familiar with the user interface.

The Systems Management Server 2.0 (Beta 2) CD-ROM contains everything you need to install and run the product. Systems Management Server 2.0 has a version of SQL Server on the CD-ROM that can be automatically installed with Systems Management Server. This version of SQL Server is specific to Beta 2.

Before you start the install you will need to:

  1. Make sure your environment matches that described in Appendix C.
  2. Prepare the following information:

Installing a Systems Management Server Primary Site

Systems Management Server Setup can be accomplished through one of two different setup scenarios: Express or Custom. The type of setup scenario your server will use is dependent on whether or not you have SQL Server 6.5, Service Pack 3 or later installed on your computer before you begin Systems Management Server Setup. This test drive takes you through the Express setup option.

Make sure the computer you are installing as a Systems Management Server site server matches the configuration in Appendix C, including running Windows NT version 4.0, Service Pack 3 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01. The Systems Management Server CD-ROM contains Windows NT 4 Service Pack 3 and Internet Explorer 4.01, if you do not already have them (accessible from the install splash screen). Please install these first before continuing with the installation process.

Log on to the server with an account that has administrator privileges. In other words, use an account that is a member of the Administrators group. This computer can be set up as a Primary Domain Controller, a Backup Domain Controller, or a stand-alone server. However, if you are using a member server, make sure that you log on to the proper domain.

Insert the Systems Management Server CD-ROM into the server's CD-ROM drive. Setup should start automatically. The following screen appears, allowing you to set up Internet Explorer and Windows NT 4 Service Pack 3, or move on to Systems Management Server:


Figure 1. Systems Management Server 2.0 Beta 2 setup

Click Set up SMS 2.0.

When the Welcome screen appears, click Next.


Figure 2. Welcome screen

Setup examines your computer to determine the current system configuration and informs you of any current Systems Management Server installations on the computer. When the System Configuration screen appears, click Next.

When the Setup Options screen appears, select Install an SMS Primary Site, and then click Next.

The Licensing window appears. After reading the license and accepting its terms, Click I agree that: in the licensing dialog box, and then click Continue.

The Installation Options screen appears.


Figure 3. Installation options

Click Express Setup (this is not the default selection), and then click Next. Fill in the boxes in the Product Registration window, and then click Next. You must enter some text (alphanumeric) for the Product ID. For Beta 2 there may not be a sticker with an associated CD-ROM key on the compact disk jewel case; use any numbers.

When the SMS Site Information screen appears, enter the unique three-digit site code and the site name as discussed earlier (the site domain should be left unchanged). Click Next.

The SMS Service Account Information screen appears next.


Figure 4. Systems Management Server Account Information screen

Either keep the default, or enter your Service Account name in the first box of this screen. Press your Tab key and enter your password. Press Tab again, re-enter your password, and then click Next.

At the SMS Primary Site Client Load screen, enter the number of client computers that will be managed from this Systems Management Server primary site, and then click Next. This information will be used to size the SQL Server database that is being created automatically.


Figure 5. SQL Server Administrator Account Screen

When the SQL Administrator Account screen appears, enter a password for your SA account if you want to assign a different one from your SMS Service account and then click Next.

The Concurrent SMS Administrator Consoles screen now appears. Enter the number of Systems Management Server Administrator consoles you expect to have at your site (usually one) and then click Next.


Figure 6. Completing the Setup Wizard

Finally, the Completing the Systems Management Server Setup Wizard appears. Review the choices you made throughout Setup. If you would like to make changes, click Back until you reach the screen that has the information you would like to change. Then, make the change and click Next until you come back to this screen.

When you are satisfied with your responses, click Finish. Systems Management Server will now be installed on your computer.

Your next steps are to configure your site and your hierarchy. Before doing that however, briefly familiarize yourself with the user interface.

The Systems Management Server Administrator Console

The Systems Management Server Administrator console tree is an ordered hierarchical listing of related items and functionality. Each top-level node in the administrator display (directly beneath the Site Database node) represents a different Systems Management Server administrative function. Objects are grouped in a logical manner.

You begin to use the Systems Management Server Administrator by navigating the Systems Management Server Administrator console tree. You navigate by moving from item to item, expanding and collapsing branches as needed to expose the items whose functional scope meets your administrative objectives. The following table describes the top-level nodes in the Systems Management Server Administrator console tree.

SMS Administrator Console Tree Item Functional Scope
Systems Management Server This is the root-level node in the Microsoft Management Console. From this point you can connect to a new database if you have more than one Systems Management Server database that is being managed. If you have HealthMon installed it will also be at the root level.
Site Database (<name>) This node is always directly below the Systems Management Server node. In a smaller system there will be only one site database node and all management operations will be accessed from below it. In larger networks an administrator may have more than one site database to manage. At this level you perform database-wide operations such as software metering, network monitoring, and service manager.
Reports From this node in the interface you can generate reports on any collected data.
Site Hierarchy This node allows you to see and manage all the sites in the Systems Management Server hierarchy. This is a key node under which all the site settings are configured for each site. This is where you examine and configure site systems, discovery methods, client installation methods, client agents, addresses, senders, connection accounts, status filtering and summarizing, component configuration, and database maintenance.
Collections This is the node that displays predefined collection information and allows you to create new collections of resources to target with software distribution.
Packages This node allows the creation and modification of packages, and also programs that are subcomponents of packages. A package defines the software that is to be distributed to a particular collection, including the location of the source files and the servers that will be the intermediary distribution points. A package is made up of one or more programs that define the command line that the package uses to install the software on the target system.
Advertisements This is where you create or view an advertisement that has caused a software distribution to happen.
Y2K Products This node reveals the current database of Year 2000 products and their compliance status.
Queries This node allows you to view precanned queries or to create new ones.
System Status This node provides very detailed status information on the site itself, as well as the packages and advertisements.
Security Rights This is where you set up the permissions for each of the administrators.

When using the Systems Management Server Administrator, you follow this general usage pattern:

Some management tasks with broad functional scope, such as site configuration, require viewing and setting several different items in the Systems Management Server Administrator console tree.

The Action Menu

Depending on the currently selected Systems Management Server Administrator console tree item, the Action menu displays choices appropriate to that item. These menu items can be accessed by selecting the item and clicking on Action, or by right-clicking on the item. The following screen shot shows an Action menu for a site system.


Figure 7. The Action menu

Properties Dialog Boxes

To change the configuration of an item, you change that item's properties. If an item is configurable, you may display its Properties dialog box in any of the following ways:


Figure 8. Properties pop-up menu

Filling in the data fields of the dialog box changes the properties of the selected item.

Obtaining Help

Systems Management Server 2.0 has an extensive, task-based HTML Help system that provides the following:

Context-sensitive help can be accessed at any time by selecting F1.

Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the different action and property options available for the different tasks in the administrator console. Once you are complete, you can tune the product for use and investigate the extensive management information available.

8.2 Managing the Manager

A key requirement from systems administrators has been to provide them with the tools to develop exactly the systems management support they need. To address this issue with Systems Management Server 2,0, we have added extensive configuration information. The default is always sensible, but for the more sophisticated administrator, the ability to fine-tune every component of the system is critical. In this section we will look at the configurable nature of the system, concentrating on Site Settings and Site Status.

Site Settings

When examining these facilities, in most cases we will keep the default settings. However, in some later exercises we will return to this area of the administrator console to change some defaults.

To get to site settings select:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   <site name>
    Site Settings

The following section describes Systems Management Server 2.0 single-site configuration settings. Please follow each one on your system.

Start by expanding the Site Settings option in the left window, and you will see the following options listed below it:

For each entry you will be able to see a series of configuration categories. For each category you will be able to change the properties of the existing instance of that category or create a new instance of that category.

Site Systems

This node allows the creation and configuration of site systems. A site system is a server, share, or NetWare volume that provides Systems Management Server functionality to the site. Under this node, you can indicate which functions are going to be done by which site systems, therefore allowing the flexibly to distribute the management overhead through a computing environment. For instance, one computer could handle the SQL Server processing, another could drive the software metering facilities, and a third could handle the sender functions. This node also allows analysis of an existing site system, for instance by running a network trace to understand how this system is related to another system in the site. In a test environment it makes the most sense to keep the defaults and leave all the functions on the default site system.

This is also one of the locations from which you can launch the Network Trace feature. This is launched by selecting a particular site system and opening the Action menu. Network Trace is discussed in detail below.

Discovery Methods

This node allows the administrator to define how Systems Management Server discovers resources such as users and machines. For instance, resources could be discovered by user log-ons, or by listening for network activity.

There are six categories available to modify. We will talk more about resource discovery in section 8.3 below.

Client Installation Methods

Once Systems Management Server has discovered a resource, it needs to install the client to drive management operations. This node provides you with the ability to configure this to happen in one of many different ways. This is discussed in detail in section 8.3 below.

Client Agents

Once the agent is installed, there are many operations that it can perform. Not all clients must perform the same operations--an administrator may want to provide software distribution but not remote diagnostics, for instance. The configuration settings for these options are available under this node. We will discuss these settings as we discuss the operations in sections 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, and 8.7 below.


Addresses can be configured through this node. They are used to enable sites to communicate via senders. We will keep the defaults in this case, as we are not investigating inter-site communication in these exercises.


This node provides access to sender creation and configuration. Senders are mechanisms for communicating between sites. In this case we are going to keep the standard sender. In a WAN environment you may want to add RAS or Courier Senders, and modify the working of the standard LAN and WAN senders.

Connection Accounts

Server and client accounts used by Systems Management Server can be created and modified through this node.

Status Filter Rules

This node provides access to configuration information about the way that status messages are to be filtered and forwarded to other sites in the hierarchy. Status is discussed in more detail later in this section.

Status Summarizer

This node provides access to configuration information about the way that status information is to be summarized and stored. Status is discussed in more detail later in this section.

Component Configuration

Some operations, such as metering and software distribution, have component-level configuration settings in addition to client configurations. The component level configurations are set at this node and are discussed when we investigate those functions in sections 8.4 and 8.6 below.

Database Maintenance

Systems Management Server 2.0 greatly extends the database configuration available so that operations need not be performed directly on SQL Server Enterprise Manager. This execution is defined at this node.

Spend some time examining each of these options.

Because Systems Management Server is hosted inside the Microsoft Management Console it is possible to assign certain of these tasks to certain administrators. For instance, if you wanted an administrator to be tasked with managing Systems Management Server itself (rather than using it for distribution, inventory or diagnostics) you can do the following:

  1. In the Scope window expand Site Hierarchy, the local site, and Site Settings.
  2. Right-click the Action menu and click New Window from Here.
A new console has been created that is specifically targeted at an administrator whose only role is to manage Systems Management Server.

Once you have spent some time investigating the flexibility provided through site settings, move on to site status.

Site Status

To view site status information, select:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  System Status
   Site Status

Start by selecting your server from the list in the left window (there is probably only one). You will be offered the option of status messages on components or site systems. Investigate both, the output will appear in the right window.

For each of the many Systems Management Server components running on that server, you can see the status of that component, the events that are happening and have happened on your system, and whether they are warnings or errors. This information is invaluable for a systems administrator to understand the status of operations.

Information is provided for the site and for each component. This allows you to see problems not only at the main server, but also at the distribution points as software is distributed, and at the clients as software is installed or other operations are performed. In this way you can follow a process through and be sure that it completes successfully.

Status information can also be filtered and forwarded to other servers in the hierarchy, allowing a summation of the state of the system to be created.

Experiment with the options that are available through the Action menu (by right-clicking the selected server). In particular, click Task and then Network Trace.

Network Discovery and Network Trace

You can either access Network Trace as described immediately above, via site status. Or you can select it from:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Site Systems

Select the site system in the right window and launch the Action menu.

By default, this option only discovers information collected through server discovery, so the display may be quite basic. To make it more sophisticated, let's go ahead and configure network discovery, which feeds network trace.

To get to Network Discovery, select:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Discovery Methods

In the Results window, click Network Discovery, and then the Action menu. Click Properties. The Network Discovery Properties dialog box displays General settings for network discovery. Notice that by default, network discovery is enabled, and it is configured to discover topology, clients and client operating systems. However, network discovery will not run until we tell it to do so.

Before we trigger network discovery, investigate the following options:

Click the Subnets tab - Notice that by default, network discovery is configured to discover resources on the local subnet. It will also add discover resources on any subnet that a site system is on. You can also specify additional subnets.

Click the Domains tab - The dialog box displays domain settings for network discovery. Notice that by default, network discovery is configured to discover resources in the local domain of the site server. You can add new domains.

Click the SNMP tab - The dialog box displays SNMP settings for network discovery. Notice that by default, network discovery is configured to discover resources within one hop if using SNMP in the public community. You can increase the hop count or add new community names.

Click the SNMP Devices tab - Notice that by default, network discovery is not configured to discover any devices other than routers or DHCP servers.

Click the DHCP tab - The dialog box displays DHCP settings for network discovery. Notice that by default, network discovery is not configured to discover resources by querying a DHCP server. If you have a DHCP Server and want to use it to provide IP Addresses for discovery, click the New Item button and type in the name or IP Address of your DHCP Server. This is recommended.

Click the Schedule tab - The dialog box displays schedule settings for network discovery. Notice that by default, network discovery is not configured to start. A schedule must be configured for network discovery to complete:

  1. Click the New Item button. The Schedule dialog box appears.
  2. Under Time, verify the current date is configured and then set the time to five minutes past the current time.
  3. Under Recurrence pattern, set the recurring interval to one day.
  4. Click OK. The dialog box displays schedule settings for network discovery. Notice network discovery is scheduled to start in a few minutes.
  5. Click OK.
We will need to wait a few minutes before returning to the Network Trace display. Discovery is designed to be nonintrusive, so it does take some time to complete.

Check back on Network Trace later and you should see a more sophisticated display that includes a trace of your Systems Management Server site and information on the roles of the various site servers (there may only be one in your configuration). The more complicated your environment, the more sophisticated this display will be.

When you check back, investigate the buttons at the top of the display. The three on the right allow you to ping devices, and to poll for the correct functioning of components.


Figure 9. Network Trace of a Systems Management Server site

8.3 Discovering and Managing Resources

To manage clients using Systems Management Server requires agent components running on client systems. Version 2.0 has been designed to provide the flexibility to very specifically decide which management facilities should run on each system (you can just do software distribution without doing inventory or metering, for instance).

To get the specific components installed requires:

In this section we will discuss the first two parts of this process, discovery and installation. The next sections will explain how to enable the agent and perform management tasks.

Systems Management Server 2.0 is not limited to discovering only personal computers. Many new discovery mechanisms are available to allow you to discover a wide range of different types of resources.

Configuring Resource Discovery

In Systems Management Server 2.0, resources include the hardware, Windows NT user groups, and Windows NT user accounts that you can manage with Systems Management Server. Hardware resources include personal computers, servers, and network devices such as routers. Resources are discovered on your network according to their types--different discovery methods are provided for the different resource types.

Systems Management Server discovers all the resources throughout your network; it is not restricted to the site boundaries that you define. The location of each resource is then compared to the site boundaries you have set and the resource is assigned to the appropriate site or sites.

Discovery mechanisms for Systems Management Server 2.0 (Beta 2) include:

Other discovery mechanisms, such as using Active Directory for discovery, will be added in the future.

Resource discovery methods are enabled, disabled, and configured under Discovery Methods in the Systems Management Server console tree.

To navigate to this node:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Discovery Methods

We are going to use the Windows Networking Logon discovery mechanism in this exercise.

First, before we configure it on the administrator console, let's make sure that we have a client machine to be discovered. Make sure that the client machine you want to manage for the rest of these exercises is correctly configured to allow discovery. (In these exercises we are assuming that the client is a Windows NT Workstation, but it could also be running Windows® 95, Windows 98 or Windows for Workstations.)

Create a user account to be used from the client machine, or verify that there is a user account for this domain already available. This needs to be done first so that the administrator console changes we make are applied to all accounts.

To Create a User Account

Start User Manager for Domains and create a user account with the following parameters.

Configuration parameter You should use:
Username <choose a name>
Password <choose a password>
User Must Change Password at Next Logon Click to clear this check box
Domain membership Domain Users

Once this user is in place, return to the administrator console.

  1. In the Scope window, click Discovery Methods.
  2. In the Results window, click Windows Networking Logon Discovery, and then on the Action menu, click Properties. The dialog box displays General settings for Windows Networking Logon Discovery.
  3. Verify that Enable Windows Networking Logon Discovery is selected. Notice your local domain is automatically configured to use the Windows networking logon discovery method.
  4. Click the Logon Settings tab.
  5. Click to select Modify user logon scripts.
  6. Click OK.

Installing the Agent on the Client

To navigate to this functionality:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Client Installation Methods

Systems Management Server client software can be installed by any of the following installation methods:

Windows networking logon client installation - When a computer within the site boundaries logs on to the Windows-based network, Systems Management Server installs the client software on that computer.

Windows NT remote client installation - Systems Management Server client software is automatically installed on Windows NT-based computers within the site boundaries. The Windows NT-based computers need to be turned on and connected to the network. It is not necessary for anyone to be logged on to these computers.

Manual Windows networking network connection client installation - The user must explicitly connect to a file on a Windows NT logon point to install the Systems Management Server client software. This method provides for those cases where no logon script is used.

NetWare Bindery server logon client installation - When a computer logs on to a NetWare bindery server, Systems Management Server installs the client software on that computer.

NetWare NDS logon client installation - When a computer within the site boundaries logs on to the NetWare NDS context, Systems Management Server installs the client software on that computer.

Manual NetWare NDS network connection client installation - The user must explicitly connect to a file on a NetWare NDS logon point to install Systems Management Server client software.

Manual NetWare Bindery connection client installation - The user must explicitly connect to a file on a NetWare Bindery logon server to install Systems Management Server client software.

You can use more than one installation method.

We are using the Windows networking logon client installation mechanism in this exercise. Because we have already defined the logon script in the discovery process, there is nothing further for us to do. Other client setup methods require further configuration at this level.

In the following procedure, we will verify that the account that was created earlier is ready to be used:

  1. Start User Manager for Domains, and then click the account you created.
  2. On the User menu, click Properties.
  3. The User Properties dialog box appears. Click Profile. The User Environment Profile dialog box appears. Notice that smsls has been added as the Logon Script Name.
  4. Exit User Manager for Domains.

Adding the Client Computer to the Site

In this exercise, we will add your client computer to your Systems Management Server site:

  1. Restart your client computer. Log onto your computer as the new account you created.
  2. A command prompt appears briefly as the Systems Management Server client software discovery and installation begins. This process is completed in stages, and even though the window is removed, the discovery and installation processes still execute for a few moments.
  3. Log on to your computer as the new account you created.
In the following procedure, we will view the properties of the newly added Systems Management Server client.

Viewing the Properties of the Client

To navigate to this functionality:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
   All Systems

  1. On the Action menu, click Task. A new menu appears.
  2. Click Update Collection.
  3. On the Action menu, click Refresh. The All Systems collection is refreshed, and the client computer appears as a member, along with the site server.
  4. In the Results window, click the client, and then click on the Action menu, and click Properties. The Properties dialog box displays the general settings for the client computer. Notice under Discovery data, all the discovered properties of the client are displayed. We will look in more detail at the full extent of the collected inventory information in a later exercise.
  5. Click Close.
While examining collections it is also worth looking at the results of other discovery processes. For instance, investigate the resource information that is available under the following collections: In the next exercises we will use this agent to drive management operations.

8.4 Distributing and Installing Software

One of the key features of Systems Management Server is to distribute and install software. Systems Management Server has the flexibility to distribute a software package to a collection that can contain machines, users, and user groups. A collection can contain a subset of one of these resources based on inventory information collected (for instance, all machines that have more that 16 MB of RAM).

There are a number of components to distributing software:

Systems Management Server comes with a software distribution wizard that easily steps you through these operations.

In this exercise we are going to outline the procedure for rolling out Service Pack 3 of Windows NT 4.0 to a Windows NT Workstation that is running Windows NT 4.0 and is in our local subnet. Therefore, the ideal client to have is a Windows NT Workstation. However, if you have a Windows 95-based client you may be able to make substitutions as you move through the exercise.

Creating a Collection (via a Query)

In this exercise, we will create a collection that will be used as the target to advertise a software program. This collection will be dynamically created as a result of a query that checks to see which machines are currently running Windows NT 4.0 and are in the local subnetwork.

Navigate to the Queries node:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)

  1. On the Action menu, point to New, and then click Query.
  2. In the Query Properties dialog box enter the name Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients and the comment "All Windows NT Workstation 4.0 clients on the local subnet." Then click Edit Query Statement.
  3. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients Query Statement Properties dialog box appears. Notice that under Results, all attributes of the System Resource class are displayed.
  4. Under Results, click System Resource, and then click Delete.
  5. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients Query Statement Properties dialog box appears. Notice no properties are displayed. Click New.
  6. The Result Properties dialog box appears to select attributes to be displayed when the query runs. Click Select.
  7. The Select Attribute dialog box appears. In the Attribute Class box, click System. In the Attribute box, click Name, and then click OK.
  8. The Result Properties dialog box appears. Notice the attribute System - Name is listed. Click OK.
  9. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients Query Statement Properties dialog box appears. Notice the System class attribute of Name is to be displayed. Add the following attributes to the list:
Attribute Class Attribute
System Resource IPSubnets
Operating System Name

In the following procedure, you will create the criteria to be used to determine all Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers on the local subnet:

  1. Click the Criteria tab. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients Query Statement Properties dialog box appears displaying the criteria used to determine which resources to display when the query runs. By default, there is no criteria, which means all resources will be displayed.
  2. Click New. The Criterion Properties dialog box appears to assign the criteria used to determine which resources are to be displayed when the query runs.
  3. Click Select. The Select Attribute dialog box appears. In the Attribute Class box, click System Resource. In the Attribute box, click IPSubnets, and then click OK.
  4. The Criterion Properties dialog box appears. Notice the first part of the criteria is filled in as System Resource - IPSubnets is equal to. In the Value box, type your subnet, and then click OK.
  5. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients Query Statement Properties dialog box appears and displays the criteria used to determine which resources to display when the query runs. Notice the statement added.
  6. Click New. The Criterion Properties dialog box appears to assign the criteria used to determine which resources are to be displayed when the query runs. Click Select. The Select Attribute dialog box appears.
  7. In the Attribute Class box, click System Resource. In the Attribute box, click OperatingSystemNameandVersion, and then click OK.
  8. The Criterion Properties dialog box appears. Notice the first part of the criteria is filled in as 'System Resource - OperatingSystemNameandVersion is equal to' listed. In the Value box, type Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0, and then click OK.
  9. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients Query Statement Properties dialog box appears displaying the criteria used to determine which resources to display when the query runs. Notice the statement added to the criteria, with an 'and' to join the two expressions. Click OK and OK again when the Query Properties dialog box appears.
  10. The Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients query appears in the list of queries.

In the following procedure, we will test the query to verify it works successfully before creating the collection:

  1. In the console tree, click Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients, and then on the Action menu, click Run Query. The Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers that are on the local subnet appear in the Details window. Verify this includes only the Windows NT clients. You will need to scroll the Details window to view the computer names.
In the following procedure, we will create the collection and assign the Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients query as the membership rule for the collection:

Navigate to the Collections node:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)

  1. On the Action menu, click New, and then click Collection. The Collection Properties dialog box displays General settings for the new collection.
  2. In the Name box, type Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients.
  3. In the Comment box, type All Windows NT 4.0 clients on the local subnet, and then click the Membership Rules tab. Select the Query Rule icon (this is the second icon).
  4. In the Query Rule Properties dialog box, select the Browse button and choose the Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients query. Then click OK.
  5. Finally, click OK on the Collection Properties dialog box.
  6. When this operation is complete, select the new Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients collection in the left window, and from the Action menu choose the Update Collection option.
  7. The collection members appear in the Results window. This should include the client computer you are going to upgrade. If it does not appear, you may have to select Refresh from the Action menu.

Configuring the Software Distribution Agent

In the following procedure, we will configure the software distribution agent. We do not have to do this, but it makes the user experience more pleasant.

Navigate to the Client Agents node:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Site Settings
    Client Agents

  1. In the Results window, click Advertised Programs Client Agent, and then on the Action menu, click Properties. The Advertised Programs Client Agent Properties dialog box displays General settings for the advertised programs client agent.
  2. Verify Enable software distribution to clients is selected. In the Check for new programs every box, type 5.
  3. Click the Notification tab.
  4. Under When new advertised programs are available, select Display a visual indicator. This will cause the client to be informed when a program is available.
  5. Under When a scheduled program is about to run, verify Provide a countdown is selected, and the Minute Countdown box is set to 5.
  6. Click to select Show status icon on taskbar, and then click OK.

Advertising a program using the Software Distribution Wizard

In this exercise, we will create a package and program to be advertised to all computers that are part of the collection. Then we will assign distribution points for the package, and create the advertisement for the package. This will all be accomplished using the Distribute Software Wizard.

Navigate to the Software Distribution Wizard:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
   Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients

  1. Before we start, let's make sure that the service pack we are about to install is available to be bundled in a package. To do this, create a directory on the hard drive and copy the directory Nt4sp3 from the Systems Management Server (Beta 2) CD-ROM. Also copy the three files off your hard drive from the \sms\scripts\enu\nt4\i386 directory to this same new directory. This new directory should now have _osw32rc.dll, ntencap.exe, w95ntupg, and Nt4sp3 at the top level. Share out this directory for a later exercise.
  2. In the console tree, click the Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients collection, and then on the Action menu, point to Task. A new menu appears. Click Distribute Software Wizard.
  3. The Distribute Software Wizard dialog box appears. Click Next.
  4. The Distribute Software Wizard Package dialog box appears providing options for package distribution. Verify Create a new package from a definition is selected, and then click Next.
  5. The Package Definition dialog box appears allowing you to select the package definition file to use.
  6. In the Publisher box, verify that Microsoft is displayed. Under Package definition, click Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0, and then click Next.
  7. The Source Files dialog box appears prompting for source file handling instructions. Click Always obtain files from a source directory, and then click Next.
  8. The Source Directory dialog box appears allowing the designation of the source file directory. Click Browse. The Browse for Folder dialog box appears, point the browser to Nt4sp3 in the newly created directory. Then click OK.
  9. A message box appears indicating the path may not be accessible to other computers. Since we have the source files on our site server computer, this is fine. Click OK, and then click Next.
  10. The Distribution Points dialog box appears allowing the designation of distribution points to store the package files. Under Distribution points, click to select the site server, and then click Next. If you have a detailed hierarchy, this is where you would specify a group of servers to act as distribution points.
  11. The Advertise a Program dialog box appears allowing the configuration of advertisements. Click "Yes. Advertise a program," and then under Programs, click Unattended update for x86.
  12. Click Next. The Current Advertisements dialog box appears. Click Create a new advertisement, and then click Next.
  13. The Advertisement Target dialog box appears prompting for the collection to advertise the program. Click Browse.
  14. The Browse Collection dialog box appears displaying all collections. Click Local Windows NT 4.0 Clients, and then click OK. The Advertisement Target dialog box displays the selected collection. Click Next.
  15. The Advertisement Name dialog box appears prompting for a name and comment for the advertisement. In the Name box, type Windows NT 4.0 SP 3 Update, and then click Next.
  16. The Advertise to Subcollections dialog box appears prompting for advertising to subcollections. Select "Advertise the program only to members of the specified collection," and then click Next.
  17. The Advertisement Schedule dialog box appears prompting for a start and expiration time for the advertisement. In the Advertise the program after box, set the appropriate date and time. Verify that "No. This advertisement never expires is selected," and then click Next.
  18. The Assign Program dialog box appears prompting for program assignments. Click "No. Do not assign the program," and then click Next.
  19. The Completing the Distribute Software Wizard dialog box appears, prompting you to complete the wizard. Click Finish.

Before we move to the client machine, let's verify the advertised program is available by viewing the advertisement status in the SMS Administrator console. This is possible due to the new status engine that Systems Management Server provides.

Navigate to the Advertisement Status:
Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  System Status
   Advertisement Status

  1. The available advertisements appear in the console tree. Under Advertisement Status, click Windows NT 4.0 SP3 Update. The advertisement status summary appears in the Details window.
  2. In the Details window, click the local site code, and then on the Action menu, point to Show Messages. A new submenu appears. Click All.
  3. The SMS Status Message Viewer for local site code window appears displaying all messages for the selected advertisement at the local site. Expand the Description column to view more details on the description.
  4. Notice Message Ids of 30012 for advertisement creation and 3900 for Offer Manager successfully processing the new advertisement. On the File menu, click Exit.

Installing the Software on the Client Machine

In this exercise, we will install the software distribution components on the client computer.

One of the key features that Systems Management Server 2.0 offers is the ability to work in elevated privilege. A user without administrative privileges on their workstation would not be able to install Service Pack 3, but that should not stop a successful deployment from happening. So, first we are going to try and run the program directly as a user, and then we are going to distribute it to the user through Systems Management Server. The first will fail; the second will succeed.

Run the Program Directly

  1. On the server, share out the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 from the CD-ROM so that the client can access this share.
  2. Log on to the Windows NT Workstation as the user we created earlier.
  3. Connect to the server's NT4SP3 share.
  4. Run update.exe /u (this is exactly the command that Systems Management Server runs).
  5. A Service Pack setup error occurs indicating we don't have permissions to update the system.
  6. Disconnect from the NT4SP3 share.

So we cannot run it directly. However, when Systems Management Server encounters this problem it automatically switches over to running at an elevated privilege level.

Running the Program from Systems Management Server

  1. From Control Window, start Advertised Programs. Alternatively, click the Advertised Programs icon with the label New Advertised Program, which appears in the status tray.


    Figure 10. Advertised Programs icon

  2. The Advertised Programs Wizard window appears. Click Next. The Advertised Programs Wizard Select Programs to Run window appears.
  3. Under Advertised Programs, click Microsoft Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0--Unattended update for x86, and then click Properties.
  4. The Microsoft Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0--Unattended update for x86 Properties dialog box appears displaying the properties for the selected advertised program. Notice the amount of time it is estimated to run this program and the required disk space.
  5. Click Close, and then click Next.
  6. The Advertised Programs Wizard Run Programs Now or Later window appears prompting to run the program now, or to schedule it for a later time.
  7. Click Run the selected program now, and then click Next. The Completing the Advertised Programs Wizard window appears, prompting you to complete the wizard.
  8. Click Finish. Service pack 3 is installed using the same user account that could not run the program manually earlier. Notice no user input is required. At the end of the upgrade, the computer automatically reboots.
  9. Verify the system has been upgraded to Service Pack 3.

Software Installation Mechanisms

For more information on the different mechanisms available for installing software please read the material associated with the Systems Management Server Installer. This add-on, which was released last summer, is also included with the Systems Management Server 2.0 CD-ROM. Full details on use of the Systems Management Server Installer can be found at Non-MSDN Online link.

8.5 Hardware and Software Inventory

Hardware Inventory

Hardware inventory adds complete details of the hardware detected on each client in the site database. Hardware inventory is enabled by default. Please note that for Beta 2 there is a 15-minute delay after the installation of the hardware inventory agent before inventory is collected.

In the following procedure, we will view the client inventory using Systems Management Server Administrator.

Navigate to the hardware inventory information:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
   All Systems

  1. The Results window displays all discovered systems. This should include both the site server and the Windows-based client computers.
  2. In the Results window, select the client computer, and then on the Action menu, click Task. A new submenu appears.
  3. Click Explore Resources. The Explorer window appears.
  4. In the Scope window, expand Hardware. The inventoried hardware classes appear.
  5. Investigate these classes. Interesting ones include:
    • Logical Disk
    • Network Adapter Configuration
    • Operating System
    • Processor

    Notice the very detailed information that is being returned from the Common Information Model.

  6. Close the Explorer window.

Software Inventory

Software inventory is enabled by default. When you configure software inventory for a site, you can specify what file types to inventory and how often the inventory is to be performed. Please note that for Beta 2 there is a 30-minute delay after the installation of the software inventory agent before inventory is collected.

In the following procedure, we will view the client inventory using Systems Management Server Administrator:

Navigate to the software inventory information:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
   All Systems

  1. The Results window displays all discovered systems. This should include both the site server and the client computers.
  2. In the Results window, select the client computer, and then on the Action menu, click Task.
  3. A new submenu appears. Click Explore Resources and the Explorer window appears.
  4. In the Scope window, expand Software.
  5. The Scope window displays software inventory elements, including Products, Unknown Files, and Collected Files.
  6. In the Scope window, expand Products.
  7. Investigate each of these in turn.

Under Unknown Files you will get a list of products that do not define a header, we are still able to get basic information on them for an administrator to use. We didn't choose to collect any files, but we easily could have done so.

Year 2000 Compliance Checking

Beta 2 has added tools to check for Year 2000 compliance, based on the software inventory information. These tools will be improved before the product is released.

Perform the following steps to investigate this functionality:

Firstly, navigate to the Year 2000 database:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Y2K Database

Here you will find a list of compliance levels for Microsoft products. This list is current as of Beta 2. You can update this list, add compliance information from other vendors, or add compliance checking for European compliance by doing the following:

  1. Select the Y2K Database node, then on the Action menu click Import. This gives you a dialog box where you can specify a new database to load. The database format expected is tab-delimited. The Microsoft Year 2000 site at provides the most up-to-date version of this file for Microsoft applications.
  2. Once you have a database that contains compliance details (the database shipping with Beta 2 will work fine for this operation) you can go ahead and find out if you have Year 2000 compliance issues in your network. Systems Management Server is going to do a comparison of this compliance data with information obtained from the software inventory scan.
  3. Navigate to the query node:

    Systems Management Server
     Site Database (<name>)
       Y2K Non Compliant Software on Systems by Version

  4. Run the query by selecting the Action menu and clicking Run Query. The query will run and in the Results window you will see a list of applications which have compliance problems. This format will be modified before the product is released, specifically the value 2 maps to compliant with issues and the value 3 maps to not compliant.

8.6 Software Metering

Software metering is a new feature in Systems Management Server 2.0. It gives administrators the ability to monitor and prevent application use dependent on their criteria, or to track application use for charge-back purposes.

Configuring Software Metering

In this exercise, we will configure the software metering component for Systems Management Server 2.0. The first thing we need to do is define which of our servers is going to be the software metering server:

Navigate to the site server:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Site Systems

  1. In the Results window, select your site server, and then on the Action menu click Properties.
  2. Click the Software Metering tab.
  3. Click Use Site System as a Software Metering Server.
  4. In the Database Location box, type a path for the local software metering data cache (the default is fine), and then click OK.

We will need to wait for up to 30 minutes before this takes effect. While waiting we can modify the software metering configuration for the site:

Navigate to the component configuration:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Component Configuration

  1. In the results window click Software Metering.
  2. On the Action menu, click Properties. The Software Metering Component Configuration Properties dialog box appears.
  3. Under Program name policy, click Original Name and then click the Local tab.
  4. Set each of these schedules to 15 minutes and then click OK.
Now we will set the client agent configurations for this task.

Navigate to the component configuration:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Client Agents

  1. In the Results window, click Software Metering, and then on the Action menu, click Properties. The Software Metering Client Agent Properties dialog box displays General settings for the software metering client agent. Verify that Enable Software Metering on clients is selected.
  2. Click the Timings tab. The Software Metering Client Agent Properties dialog box displays Timing settings for the software metering client agent.
  3. In the Configuration polling interval box, type 1.
  4. In the Callback polling interval box (bottom of screen), type 1, and then click OK.
  5. Wait a few minutes shut down. Then restart the client computer. Log on as the domain user. The Systems Management Server client software executes, and the software metering client components are reconfigured to the new settings.

Metering Software Usage

Now let's indicate what we want to meter:

Navigate to software metering:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)

  1. On the Action menu, point to Task, and then click Software Metering. The Defining Metered Software dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Add Product icon and then click OK. The New Product dialog box appears. Complete the sections using the following information:
    In this box Type or select
    Product name Notepad
    Serial number Blank
    Purchase date Default
    Number of licenses 1
    Enforce license limits for product

    Program Name

    Click to select

    Notepad.exe (browse to get the app)

  3. Click OK.
  4. The Defining Metered Software window displays Notepad as a licensed program.
  5. Under Licensed software, click Notepad, and then click Properties. The Properties dialog box displays Identification properties for Notepad.
  6. Click the License Balancing tab. The Properties dialog box displays License Balancing properties for Notepad.
  7. Click to cancel "Do not enforce the license limits for this product" until a trend has been calculated, and then click OK. The Defining Licensed Software window displays Notepad as a licensed program.
  8. On the Summary menu, click Software Metering Summary.
  9. Click the Licensed tab. Notepad.exe appears with a total of one license available at the site with none available at the software metering server. Leave this window open.

By default, licenses added at a site are not balanced to a server for seven days to allow monitoring of applications to do trend analysis. At the end of this trend analysis period, licenses are balanced to the software metering servers that need them. However, we disabled the trend analysis for Notepad by canceling "Do not enforce the license limits for this product until a trend has been calculated." With this canceled the server will do license balancing but only after a request has been made for a license. So, to force this balancing, we need to run Notepad on the client and receive a denial.

  1. At the client, start Notepad. A software-metering message appears indicating no licenses are available.
  2. Click No Callback.

Now that a denial has occurred, license balancing can take place. However, it is on a 15-minute schedule, so wait 15 minutes before continuing.

Now that everything is finally ready, let's have a look at how metering is able to control application use on the client computer:

  1. Shut down, and then restart the client computer (this may not be a necessary step). Log on as the domain user.
  2. Start Notepad.exe. The Notepad window appears.
In the administrator user interface:
  1. Click Refresh Now in the Licensed Software window.
  2. Notepad appears with a total of one license available and it is in use.
  3. Start a second copy of notepad. The license is refused and a callback is offered.
  4. Try copying notepad.exe to another name and running it. The license is still refused as it is checking the header information.

Software metering also has the ability to control software use based on time of day. For instance, a corporation may want to disable the playing of games during business hours. Experiment with this facility in metering by double-clicking a licensed application (such as Notepad) under the Defining Metered Software window, and then selecting the Permissions tab. Also observe the other configuration options available under Permissions, Alerts, and Rules.


Figure 11. Permissions for software use are set through software metering

Charge-back is another powerful feature of software metering. Not only is this tool able to monitor application use, it also monitors the length of time applications are used for. This data is then available for an IS department to use to charge other departments for use of developed or deployed applications, or use of services such as the Internet. Experiment with this facility by examining the Duration column in the Software Metering Summary window.

Investigate the graphing and reporting wizards that are new features in Beta 2.

8.7 Remote Diagnostics

The remote diagnostics tools in Systems Management Server 2.0 are faster and more robust that in previous versions. Their configuration is also more granular, especially from a security context. Also, in Beta 2 a new server health monitoring feature has been added, called HealthMon.

HealthMon is at preview quality in Beta 2, and should not be used in production environments.

The following exercises will examine HealthMon and remote control.


HealthMon is intended to be an example of the power of the WBEM infrastructure underlying Systems Management Server 2.0. It is written to use information populated by using the performance monitor provider for CIM. It is at preview quality only for Beta 2. To investigate the potential the infrastructure provides to create such a tool, please complete the following:

Install the HealthMon Console:

  1. Connect to the Systems Management Server (Beta 2) CD-ROM and run \Healthmon\I386\Healthmon.exe.
  2. The Welcome window appears. Click Next.
  3. The Select Destination Directory window appears. Click Next to accept the default directory.
  4. The HealthMon console is installed, and then the Installation Completed window appears. Click Finish.
Now install the Health Monitor agent software. You could either do this on a remote Windows NT Server (preferred) or on the same server that Systems Management Server is installed on.

Install the HealthMon Agent:

  1. Connect to the Systems Management Server (Beta 2) CD-ROM and run \Healthmon\I386\Agent.exe.
  2. The Welcome window appears. Click Next.
  3. The Select Destination Directory window appears. Click Next to accept the default directory.
  4. The HealthMon console is installed, and then the Installation Completed window appears. Click Finish. Processing may take a few seconds to complete.
Now add HealthMon to the MMC.

Install the HealthMon Snap-in:

  1. Close down Systems Management Server and start up the Microsoft Management Console from the Run menu by typing mmc.
  2. In the Microsoft Management Console, select the Console menu item, and then Add/Remove Snap-in. The Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box appears.
  3. Click Add, and the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box appears.
  4. Select the HealthMon Snap-in option and click Add, and then Close.
  5. HealthMon Tool has been added to the display, now select OK. You may also want to add Systems Management Server into this display, or just use HealthMon alone. To add Systems Management Server, choose it as a snap-in and follow the steps in the wizard.
  6. The display should now change to show both Systems Management Server and HealthMon immediately below the Console Root.


Figure 12. Installing the HealthMon snap-in

Now we have set up HealthMon, we can use it to monitor the Server.

Manage a Server with HealthMon:

  1. In the HealthMon console tree, expand Managed Systems, and then click All Systems.
  2. Notice that there are no results displayed in the Details window. This is because each managed system must be added to the console that is monitoring it.
  3. In the console tree, click Managed Systems, and then on the Action menu, point to New. A new menu appears.
  4. Click Machine. The Configure Managed Systems dialog box appears.
  5. In the Enter the name of the machine to manage box, type your server name, and then click Add.
  6. The Configure Managed Systems dialog box displays all managed systems, which now includes the site server computer. Click OK.

    Navigate to the managed server:

    HealthMon Tool
     Managed Systems
      <server name>
       All Objects

  7. Click on All Objects. The list of monitored objects is displayed in the Details window. Notice that all enabled objects have green icons, while the disabled objects (BackOffice services) have gray icons.

    Monitoring of BackOffice services is not supported in the Beta 2 release of Systems Management Server.

  8. In the console tree, click the server name, and then on the Action menu, point to Task.
  9. A new menu appears. Click Edit Machine Profile.
  10. The Configure Managed Objects dialog box appears. Under List of Managed Objects, click Processor, and then click Edit.
  11. The Configure Managed Object Policy dialog box appears displaying all the thresholds that are implemented to determine whether the object is in a normal, warning, or critical state.
  12. Under Managed Object Properties, click Processor: percent total system time. The dialog box displays all thresholds that are implemented to determine whether the Processor: percent total system time is in a normal, warning, or critical state.
  13. Under Critical, set the Threshold to 20.
  14. Under Warning, set the Threshold to 10.
  15. In the Duration boxes, set both Critical and Warning to 10, and then click OK.
  16. The Configure Managed Objects dialog box appears. Click OK.
  17. Under the server name, click All Objects. The list of monitored objects is displayed in the Details window. Notice Processor may not be at 100% normal.
  18. If Processor is still at 100% Normal, generate CPU activity by switching between (or starting additional) applications.
  19. Select the Object Events node and observe critical and warning events being generated in response to processor activity.

One action we did not perform with HealthMon was distributing the agent. We chose simply to install it manually. In an enterprise environment we would use Systems Management Server to distribute this agent. To enable this process there is a package available for HealthMon that can be distributed through the software distribution wizard. Feel free to investigate this functionality.

Configuring Remote Control

In this exercise, we will configure the remote control component for Systems Management Server 2.0:

Navigate to the remote control client agent:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
  Site Hierarchy
   Client Agents

  1. In the Results window, click Remote Tools Client Agent, and then on the Action menu, click Properties. The Remote Tools Client Agent Properties dialog box displays General settings for the remote control client agent.
  2. Verify Enable remote tools on clients is selected and then click the Security tab. The dialog box displays Security settings for the remote control client agent. Notice that the Administrators group is permitted to remotely control Windows NT-based client computers.
  3. Click the Policy tab. The dialog box displays Policy settings for the remote control client agent. In the Level of remote control allowed box, click Full remote control allowed.
  4. Verify Display a message to ask for permission is selected.
  5. Click the Advanced tab. The dialog box displays Advanced settings for the remote control client agent.
  6. Click to select Install accelerated screen transfer, and then click OK.
On the client computer:
  1. Shut down, and then restart the client computer. Log on as the domain user. The Systems Management Server client software executes, and the remote control client components are updated.
  2. The Remote Control Agent icon appears on the desktop.

Starting a Remote Control Session

Note that we configured the remote control settings such that the user could not change them, but would be asked for permission before a remote control session started.

In this exercise, we will take over the screen and keyboard on the client machine:

Navigate to the client machine:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)
   All Systems

  1. Select the All Systems Collection. In the Results window, select your client computer, and then on the Action menu, point to Task.
  2. A new submenu appears. Click Remote Control. The Remote Tools window appears as the remote control connection is established to the client computer.
  3. Click the Remote Control icon (top left-hand icon).
  4. On the client machine, a Remote Control message box appears indicating permission is being requested. Click Yes.
  5. You now have screen and keyboard control over the client machine.

Client Experience during Remote Control

When the client is running Remote Control Agent, this thumbnail image appears on the user's desktop:


Figure 13. Thumbnail image of Remote Control Agent

When no Remote Control session is taking place, the window title bar is gray. The user is alerted to an active Remote Control session when the title bar turns red.

Double-clicking the face of this window will display the following Remote Control Status dialog box for Windows NT users:


Figure 14. Remote Control Status dialog box

Users running Windows 95 will view the following dialog box:

[SMS3541D  4525 bytes ]

Figure 15. Remote Control Status dialog box for Windows 95

Right-clicking the thumbnail image of the window displays a Pop-Up menu.


Figure 16. Thumbnail image's pop-up menu

Users may reposition the thumbnail image of the agent window, or may view the status of Remote Control sessions on their computer. From the Remote Control Status dialog, pressing Close Session ends the session immediately. Pressing Unload Agent prevents any Remote Control operation until the agent is reloaded.

Other Remote Management Tools

There are also many other remote management tools available in this Beta, including remote reboot, remote chat, and remote launching of administrative tools. Experiment with these from within the Remote Tools window.

One tool that is particularly interesting in the way that it has changed since version 1.2 is the network-monitoring tool. This tool has added a series of monitors and experts that can evaluate the captured information and therefore lessen the work an administrator needs to do to research a problem. Monitors available include the Rogue DHCP Address Monitor and the IP Range Monitor -- which can help you find problem systems before they cause outage, whether intentionally or not. To navigate to Network Monitor:

Systems Management Server
 Site Database (<name>)

  1. On the Action menu, point to Task, and then click Network Monitor.

8.8 More Information

For the latest information on Systems Management Server, check out our World Wide Web site at Non-MSDN Online link.

Appendix C: System Requirements for Beta 2

The following table outlines system requirements for Systems Management Server 2.0 (Beta 2). The following are suggested minimum requirements. The Beta code is not currently optimized, a process that will happen before the product is released.

Server Hardware requirements 120 MHz Pentium processor

64 MB of RAM minimum (128 MB recommended)

500 MB of free disk space on an NTFS partition and 100 MB on the system drive

Access to any CD-ROM drive supported by Windows NT Server 3.51 or higher

Server Software Requirements Fresh install (recommended) of Windows NT version 4.0, Service Pack 3

Internet Explorer 4.01

Systems Management Server 2.0 (Beta 2) CD-ROM contains:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01

Windows NT version 4.0, Service Pack 3

SQL Server 6.5

SQL Server 6.5, Service Pack 3

Microsoft Management Console

Systems Management Server 2.0

Server Role Windows NT Primary/Backup Domain Controller

Windows NT Member Server (must be a member of a domain)

Clients Supported* Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0

Windows 95 and Windows 98

Windows 3.1

Windows for Workgroups 3.11

Network Operating Systems Supported* Windows NT Server

LAN Manager

Novell Netware 3.x Bindery

Novell 4.x Netware Directory Services

*Please note the following additional client restrictions that are specific to Beta 2:

  1. Novell NDS support is only available for Windows 95 and Windows 98 clients, not Windows NT Workstation.
  2. Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 support is available for Beta 2, but may not be at the same quality level as the other client operating systems supported.
  3. Windows 2000 builds have been tested as a both a server and a client platform but should not be assumed to work fully. Windows NT 4 Service Pack 3 is the recommended server environment and other clients are assumed to work more reliably.
  4. Software metering is not available for either Netware clients or 16-bit Windows clients.
  5. Beta 2 supports neither Windows Terminal Server clients, nor Windows CE clients.

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