Example 1

<% ' Search Initiation Section. 
  ' Show the search form. If the search is being edited, read the information
  ' that has been previously stored in the Session object.

   <table cellpadding=5 border=0>
     <form action="Search.asp" method="get">
       <td nowrap><font size=2>
         <% L_QueryLabel_text = "Search for:" %>
         <% = L_QueryLabel_Text %>&nbsp;
         <input type="text" name="q1" size="25" maxlength="100" value="<% = q1 %>">
        <td width=5></td>
         ' Author
         L_AuthorLabel_text = "Sent by"  
         <font size=2><% = L_AuthorLabel_text %>:</font>

         <input type="hidden" name="c2" value="@DocAuthor">
         <input type="text" maxlength=100 size=25 name="q2" value="<% = q2 %>">

        <font size=2>
        Sent in the last:
        <input type=hidden name="c3" value="@filewrite"> 
        <input type=hidden name="o3" value=">="> 
        <select name="q3">
        <option value="" <%if Request("q3")="" then %>selected<%end if%> >
        <option value="-1d" <%if q3="-1d" then %>selected<%end if%> >day
        <option value="-1w" <%if q3="-1w" then %>selected<%end if%> >week
        <option value="-1m" <%if q3="-1m" then %>selected<%end if%> >month
        <option value="-1y" <%if q3="-1y" then %>selected<%end if%> >year
        <td><font size=2>
        Sent to: (alias)
      <input type=hidden name=c5 value="@MessageEmailAddress">
        <input type=text name=q5 size=25 maxlength=50 value="<% = q5 %>">
        <font size=2>Subject:</font>
        <input type=hidden name="o4" value="@DocTitle"> 
        <input type=text name="q4" size=25 maxlength=50 value="<% = q4 %>">
        <td><font size=2>

      <input type=hidden name="c6" value="@MessageFolder"> 
         <input type=hidden name="q6" size=25 maxlength=50 value="<% = q6 %>"> 
      <select name="ct" value="ct">

<% ' Enter New Catalog Names here.

      <!-- Use the following syntax for to search all catalogs
      <option value="Discussion,ProductKnowledge,Business,list_Servers"> All Indexed Folders
      <!-- You need to put your catalog name here -->
      <option value="Discussion"> \Discussion



   <!-- Add search by Category -->
        <td><font size=2>
      <td><input type=hidden name="c7" value="@META_Type"> 
        <select name="q7">
        <option value="" <%if q7="" then %>selected<%end if%> >
        <option value="Best Practice" <%if q7="Best Practice" then %>selected<%end if%> >Best Practice
        <option value="Idea" <%if q7="Idea" then %>selected<%end if%> >Idea
        <option value="Issue" <%if q7="Issue" then %>selected<%end if%> >Issue
        <option value="Resolution" <%if q7="Resolution" then %>selected<%end if%> >Resolution
   <!-- Add Search by Industry -->
        <td><font size=2>
      <td><input type=hidden name="c8" value="@META_Industry"> 
        <select name="q8">
        <option value="" <%if q8="" then %>selected<%end if%> >
        <option value="Communication and Entertainment" <%if q8="Communication and Entertainment" then %>selected<%end if%> >Communication and Entertainment
        <option value="Distributed Services" <%if q8="Distributed Services" then %>selected<%end if%> >Distributed Services
        <option value="Financial Services" <%if q8="Financial Services" then %>selected<%end if%> >Financial Services
        <option value="Government" <%if q8="Government" then %>selected<%end if%> >Government
        <option value="Healthcare" <%if q8="Healthcare" then %>selected<%end if%> >Healthcare
        <option value="Information Systems(Hardware/Software)" <%if q8="Information Systems(Hardware/Software)" then %>selected<%end if%> >Information Systems(Hardware/Software)
        <option value="Manufacturing" <%if q8="Manufacturing" then %>selected<%end if%> >Manufacturing
        <option value="Professional Services" <%if q8="Professional Services" then %>selected<%end if%> >Professional Services
        <option value="Transportation" <%if q8="Transportation" then %>selected<%end if%> >Transportation
   <!-- Add Search by Product -->
        <td><font size=2>
      <td><input type=hidden name="c9" value="@META_Product"> 
        <select name="q9">
        <option value="" <%if q9="" then %>selected<%end if%> >
        <option value="(Other)" <%if q9="(Other)" then %>selected<%end if%> >(Other)
        <option value="Access" <%if q9="Access" then %>selected<%end if%> >Access
        <option value="Excel" <%if q9="Excel" then %>selected<%end if%> >Excel
        <option value="Exchange Server" <%if q9="Exchange Server" then %>selected<%end if%> >Exchange Server
        <option value="Mail" <%if q9="Mail" then %>selected<%end if%> >Mail
        <option value="Office" <%if q9="Office" then %>selected<%end if%> >Office
        <option value="Outlook" <%if q9="Outlook" then %>selected<%end if%> >Outlook
        <option value="PowerPoint" <%if q9="PowerPoint" then %>selected<%end if%> >PowerPoint
        <option value="Visual Basic" <%if q9="Visual Basic" then %>selected<%end if%> >Visual Basic
        <option value="Visual C++" <%if q9="Visual C++" then %>selected<%end if%> >Visual C++
        <option value="Word" <%if q9="Word" then %>selected<%end if%> >Word
       <td colspan=5 align=right>
       <% ' Links to tips and search button. 
          L_SearchButton_label = "Search" 
          L_SearchTips_link = "Tips" 
         <input type="submit" value="<% = L_SearchButton_label %>">
      <font size=2><a href="tips.htm"><% = L_SearchTips_link %></a>
<% ' End of Search Initiation Section. %>