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Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): Objects Talking with XML (Sep 13, Spec)
SOAP provides an open, extensible way for applications to communicate using XML-based messages over the Web, regardless of what operating system, object model, or language they use. We provide an overview and the specification.

Microsoft Outlines Web Application Strategy (Sep 13, White paper)
Read Microsoft's vision for Windows DNA 2000, an infrastructure of software building blocks that lets you develop distributed Web applications. This architecture, an evolution of Windows DNA and Microsoft Windows 2000, makes it possible to build a secure, reliable, highly scalable commerce system and eases the integration of heterogeneous systems and applications.

DevDays 99: XML and Windows 2000 (Aug. 23, Event)
At this day-long session on Sept. 15, learn about the new XML capabilities in Windows 2000, including how to translate recordsets to XML and how to work with XML documents on both the client and the server. For more information and registration details, visit the DevDays site.

Extreme XML: Tapping the Potential Within (Aug 16, Magazine)
Our XML columnist, Charlie Heinemann, shows how to take advantage of the fact that schemas are extensible and open and demonstrates how you can annotate schemas to further describe your data.

Workflow Design for a Web Commerce Application (Aug 8, Technical article)
In the MSDN Duwamish Books sample Web site application, we convert disconnected ADO Recordsets to XML on the middle tier, and then employ a few different strategies for converting the XML data into presentation formats suitable for different browser clients. In this technical article, Steve Kirk explains the details, with code examples.

"DXML" Goes Global: Localization and the XML/DHTML Menus (Aug 9, Magazine)
The fourth, and final, in a series of articles about developing Dynamic HTML (DHTML) user interfaces for your Web sites using XML and XSL.

The Microsoft BizTalk Framework (Aug 1, Web site)
The Microsoft BizTalk Framework is an XML framework for application integration and electronic commerce. The site includes explanations of the BizTalk philosophy and framework, tag specifications, and schema guidelines.

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Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a1391'

'Story' is undefined

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