Platform SDK: International Features

IME Composition String Values

These values are used with ImmGetCompositionString and WM_IME_COMPOSITION.

Value Description
GCS_COMPATTR Retrieves or updates the attribute of the composition string.
GCS_COMPCLAUSE Retrieves or updates clause information of the composition string.
GCS_COMPREADATTR Retrieves or updates the attributes of the reading string of the current composition.
GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE Retrieves or updates the clause information of the reading string of the composition string.
GCS_COMPREADSTR Retrieves or updates the reading string of the current composition.
GCS_COMPSTR Retrieves or updates the current composition string.
GCS_CURSORPOS Retrieves or updates the cursor position in composition string.
GCS_DELTASTART Retrieves or updates the starting position of any changes in composition string.
GCS_RESULTCLAUSE Retrieves or updates clause information of the result string.
GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE Retrieves or updates clause information of the reading string.
GCS_RESULTREADSTR Retrieves or updates the reading string.
GCS_RESULTSTR Retrieves or updates the string of the composition result.