Platform SDK: International Features

IME Hot Key Identifiers

These identifiers are used with the ImmSimulateHotKey function.

Identifiers Meaning
IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE (Simplified Chinese) Toggles between IME and non-IME operation.
IME_CHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE (Simplified Chinese) Toggles the shape conversion mode of IME.
IME_CHOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE (Simplified Chinese) Toggles the symbol conversion mode of IME. Symbol mode indicates that the user can input Chinese punctuation and symbols by mapping to the punctuation and symbols on the keyboard.
IME_ITHOTKEY_RECONVERTSTRING Windows 98 and Windows 2000: (Traditional Chinese) Triggers reconversion.
IME_JHOTKEY_CLOSE_OPEN (Japanese) Alternately opens and closes the IME.
IME_KHOTKEY_ENGLISH (Korean) Switches to English.
IME_KHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE (Korean) Toggles the shape conversion mode of IME.
IME_KHOTKEY_HANJACONVERT (Korean) Switches to Hanja converision.
IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE (Traditional Chinese) Toggles between IME and non-IME operation.
IME_THOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE (Traditional Chinese) Toggles the shape conversion mode of IME.
IME_THOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE (Traditional Chinese) Toggles the symbol conversion mode of IME.