Platform SDK: International Features


The ImmGetImeMenuItems function retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu of a specified input context.

DWORD WINAPI ImmGetImeMenuItems(
  DWORD dwFlags,
  DWORD dwType,
  DWORD dwSize


[in] Handle to the input context that is related to the lpMenuItem menu items.
[in] Specifies menu information options. The following value is defined.
Value Meaning
IGIMIF_RIGHTMENU If set, the function returns the menu items for the context menu (obtained by a right mouse click).

[in] Specifies the type of menu to be returned. This parameter can be one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
IGIMII_CMODE Returns the menu items that control the conversion mode.
IGIMII_SMODE Returns the menu items that control sentence mode.
IGIMII_CONFIGURE Returns the menu items that are related to IME configuration.
IGIMII_TOOLS Returns the menu items that are related to IME tools.
IGIMII_HELP Returns the menu items that control IME Help.
IGIMII_OTHER Returns the menu items that control other IME functions.
IGIMII_INPUTTOOLS Returns the menu items that control menu items related to IME input tools that provide an extended way to input characters.

[out] Pointer to an IMEMENUITEMINFO stucture that receives the parent-menu information. To return information about the submenu items of this parent menu, set the fType member to MFT_SUBMENU. If this parameter is NULL, the function returns only top-level menu items.
[out] Pointer to an array of IMEMENUITEMINFO structures that receives the menu-item information. If this parameter is NULL, the function returns the number of registered menu items.
[in] Specifies the size of the buffer to receive the IMEMENUITEMINFO structure.

Return Values

The function returns the number of menu items that were copied into lpImeMenu. If lpImeMenu is NULL, the function returns the number of registered menu items in the specified input context.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98.
  Header: Declared in Imm.h.
  Library: Use Imm32.lib.
  Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows 2000.

See Also

Input Method Editor Overview, Input Method Editor Functions, IMEMENUITEMINFO