Platform SDK: International Features


The SORTIDFROMLCID macro retrieves a sort identifier from a locale identifier.

  LCID lcid  // locale identifier


Specifies the locale identifier. This parameter may have been created by using the MAKELCID macro.

Return Values

The return value is a sort identifier. The following sort identifiers are defined.

Value Meaning
SORT_CHINESE_BIG5 Specifies Chinese BIG5 order.
SORT_CHINESE_BOPOMOFO Traditional Chinese Bopomofo order.
SORT_CHINESE_PRC PRC Chinese Stroke Count order.
SORT_CHINESE_PRCP PRC Chinese Phonetic order
SORT_CHINESE_UNICODE Specifies Chinese Unicode order.
SORT_DEFAULT Specifies the default sort.
SORT_GEORGIAN_MODERN Georgian Modern order.
SORT_GEORGIAN_TRADITIONAL Georgian Traditional order.
SORT_GERMAN_PHONE_BOOK German Phone Book order.
SORT_HUNGARIAN_DEFAULT Hungarian Default order.
SORT_HUNGARIAN_TECHNICAL Hungarian Technical order
SORT_JAPANESE_XJIS Specifies Japanese XJIS order.
SORT_JAPANESE_UNICODE Specifies Japanese Unicode order.
SORT_KOREAN_KSC Specifies Korean KSC order.
SORT_KOREAN_UNICODE Specifies Korean Unicode order.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Winnt.h; include Windows.h.

See Also

National Language Support Overview, National Language Support Macros, MAKELANGID, MAKELCID, PRIMARYLANGID, SUBLANGID