Platform SDK: International Features

Calendar Type Information

The CALTYPE constants are used in the EnumCalendarInfo and GetCalendarInfo functions to define particular pieces of calendar information. Some of these types are also used for the SetCalendarInfo function.

The following CALTYPE constants may be used in combination with any other CALTYPE constants.

Type Description
CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE Windows 98, Windows 2000: Uses the system default instead of the user's choice.
CAL_RETURN_NUMBER Windows 98, Windows 2000: Returns the result from GetCalendarInfo as a number instead of a string. This is only valid for CALTYPES beginning with CAL_I.
CAL_USE_CP_ACP Windows 98, Windows 2000: Uses the system ANSI code page (ACP) for string translation instead of the locale's code page.

The following CALTYPE constants are mutually exclusive—that is, they may not be used in combination with each other in a function call.

Type Description
CAL_ICALINTVALUE An integer value indicating the calendar type of the alternate calendar.
CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX Windows 98, Windows 2000: An integer value indicating the upper boundary of the two-digit year range.
CAL_IYEAROFFSETRANGE One or more null-terminated strings that specify the year offsets for each of the era ranges. The last string has an extra terminating null character.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME1 Abbreviated native name of the first day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME2 Abbreviated native name of the second day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME3 Abbreviated native name of the third day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME4 Abbreviated native name of the fourth day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME5 Abbreviated native name of the fifth day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME6 Abbreviated native name of the sixth day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVDAYNAME7 Abbreviated native name of the seventh day of the week.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 Abbreviated native name of the first month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME2 Abbreviated native name of the second month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME3 Abbreviated native name of the third month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME4 Abbreviated native name of the fourth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME5 Abbreviated native name of the fifth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME6 Abbreviated native name of the sixth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME7 Abbreviated native name of the seventh month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME8 Abbreviated native name of the eighth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME9 Abbreviated native name of the ninth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME10 Abbreviated native name of the tenth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME11 Abbreviated native name of the eleventh month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME12 Abbreviated native name of the twelfth month of the year.
CAL_SABBREVMONTHNAME13 Abbreviated native name of the thirteenth month of the year, if it exists.
CAL_SCALNAME Native name of the alternate calendar.
CAL_SDAYNAME1 Native name of the first day of the week.
CAL_SDAYNAME2 Native name of the second day of the week.
CAL_SDAYNAME3 Native name of the third day of the week.
CAL_SDAYNAME4 Native name of the fourth day of the week.
CAL_SDAYNAME5 Native name of the fifth day of the week.
CAL_SDAYNAME6 Native name of the sixth day of the week.
CAL_SDAYNAME7 Native name of the seventh day of the week.
CAL_SERASTRING One or more null-terminated strings that specify each of the Unicode code points specifying the era associated with CAL_IYEAROFFSETRANGE. The last string has an extra terminating null character. See example below.
CAL_SLONGDATE Long date formats for this calendar type.
CAL_SMONTHNAME1 Native name of the first month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME2 Native name of the second month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME3 Native name of the fifth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME4 Native name of the fourth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME5 Native name of the fifth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME6 Native name of the sixth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME7 Native name of the seventh month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME8 Native name of the eighth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME9 Native name of the ninth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME10 Native name of the tenth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME11 Native name of the eleventh month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME12 Native name of the twelfth month of the year.
CAL_SMONTHNAME13 Native name of the thirteenth month of the year, if it exists.
CAL_SSHORTDATE Short date formats for this calendar type.
CAL_SYEARMONTH Windows 98, Windows 2000: Enumerates the year/month formats for the specified calendars.

If the native name for the day of the week or for a month is an empty string, that name is identical to the name specified in the corresponding locale information and therefore is not duplicated here.

The CAL_IYEAROFFSETRANGE and CAL_SERASTRING values vary in format depending on the type of optional calendar. The following example shows the values for these types (for each supported alternate calendar type) along with the formula for how to use the CAL_IYEAROFFSETRANGE value to compute the correct year given the Gregorian current year value Y:



CAL_IYEAROFFSETRANGE = "1989\01926\01912\01868\0"
CAL_SERASTRING = "Ux337B\0Ux337C\0Ux337D\0Ux337E\0"
if (Y>=1989) { Y = (Y-1989)+1; } 
if (Y>=1926 && Y<1989) { Y = (Y-1926)+1; } 
if (Y>=1912 && Y<1926) { Y = (Y-1912)+1; }
if (Y>=1868 && Y<1912) { Y = (Y-1868)+1; } 
if (Y<1868) { Y = Y; } 

CAL_SERASTRING = "Ux4E2D\0Ux83EF\0Ux6C11\0Ux570B\0"
if (Y>=1912) { Y = (Y-1912)+1; } 
if (Y<1912) { Y = Y; }

Y = Y+2333;