Platform SDK: International Features


The NUMBERFMT structure contains information that defines the format of a number string. The GetNumberFormat function uses this information to customize a number string for a specified locale.

typedef struct _numberfmt { 
  UINT      NumDigits; 
  UINT      LeadingZero; 
  UINT      Grouping; 
  LPTSTR    lpDecimalSep; 
  LPTSTR    lpThousandSep; 
  UINT      NegativeOrder; 


Specifies the number of fractional digits. This is equivalent to the locale information specified by the LCTYPE constant value LOCALE_IDIGITS.
Specifies whether to use leading zeroes in decimal fields. This is equivalent to the locale information specified by the LCTYPE constant value LOCALE_ILZERO.
Specifies the size of each group of digits to the left of the decimal. Values in the range 0 – 9 and 32 are valid. For example, grouping by thousands is indicated by 3, while the Indic grouping of the first thousand and then by hundreds is indicated by 32—that is, three digits, then two-digit groupings thereafter.
Pointer to a null-terminated decimal separator string.
Pointer to a null-terminated thousand separator string.
Specifies the negative number mode. This is equivalent to the locale information specified by the LCTYPE constant value LOCALE_INEGNUMBER.


For more information about the LCTYPE constants, see Locale Information.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.5 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Winnls.h; include Windows.h.
  Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

National Language Support Overview, National Language Support Structures, GetNumberFormat