Platform SDK: International Features


The SCRIPT_TABDEF structure defines the tab positions for ScriptStringAnalyse.

typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_TABDEF {
  int cTabStops;
  int iScale;
  int *pTabStops;
  int iTabOrigin;


Number of entries in the array pointed to by pTabStops.
Value Meaning
0 Tab stops occur every eight average-character widths.
1 All tab stops are the length of the first entry in the array pointed to by pTabStops.
greater than 1 The first cTabStops tab stops are as specified in the array pointed to by pTabStops, and subsequent tab stops are every eight average characters.

Scale factor for iTabOrigin and pTabStops entries. Values are converted to device coordinates by multiplying by iScale, then dividing by four. If values are already in device units, set iScale to four. If values are in dialog units, set iScale to the average character width of the dialog font. If values are multiples of the average character width for the selected font, set iScale to 0.
Pointer to an array whose number of entries is cTabStops. Each entry specifies a tab stop position. Positive values give near-edge alignment, while negative values give far-edge alignment.

The units for the array elements are as selected by iScale.

Initial offset, in logical units, for tab stops. Tabs start iTabOrigin logical units before the beginning of the string. This helps with situations where there are multiple tabbed outputs on the same line.


This structure is ignored unless the dwFlags parameter is set to SSA_TAB in the ScriptStringAnalyse function.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Usp10.h.

See Also

Uniscribe Overview, Uniscribe Structures, ScriptStringAnalyse