Platform SDK: Interprocess Communications


The DdeGetData function copies data from the specified dynamic data exchange (DDE) object to the specified local buffer.

DWORD DdeGetData(
  HDDEDATA hData,  // handle to DDE  object
  LPBYTE pDst,     // pointer to destination buffer
  DWORD cbMax,     // amount of data to copy
  DWORD cbOff      // offset to beginning of data


[in] Handle to the DDE object that contains the data to copy.
[out] Pointer to the buffer that receives the data. If this parameter is NULL, the DdeGetData function returns the amount of data, in bytes, that would be copied to the buffer.
[in] Specifies the maximum amount of data, in bytes, to copy to the buffer pointed to by the pDst parameter. Typically, this parameter specifies the length of the buffer pointed to by pDst.
[in] Specifies an offset within the DDE object. Data is copied from the object beginning at this offset.

Return Values

If the pDst parameter points to a buffer, the return value is the size, in bytes, of the memory object associated with the data handle or the size specified in the cbMax parameter, whichever is lower.

If the pDst parameter is NULL, the return value is the size, in bytes, of the memory object associated with the data handle.


The DdeGetLastError function can be used to get the error code, which can be one of the following values:



  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Ddeml.h; include Windows.h.
  Library: Use User32.lib.

See Also

Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library Overview, Dynamic Data Exchange Management Functions, DdeAccessData, DdeCreateDataHandle, DdeFreeDataHandle