New Keywords Near16, Near32, Far16 and Far32 in MASM

ID: Q119517

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) for MS-DOS, versions 6.1, 6.1a
  • Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) for Windows NT, version 6.11


In MASM 6.1 there are four new distance specifiers: near16, near32, far16, and far32.

A near pointer consists of an offset. A near16 pointer is a near pointer that consists of a 16 bit offset. A near32 pointer is a near pointer consisting of a 32 bit offset. A far pointer is a pointer that consists of both a segment and an offset. A far16 pointer is a far pointer that consists of a segment and a 16 bit offset. A far32 pointer is a far pointer consisting of a segment and a 32 bit offset. Segments are always 16 bits. Note: near32 and far32 pointers are only available on 386 and successive processors.


The properties of the new distance specifiers are summarized by the following table:

  pointer    size in bits        contain            example
  -------    ------------    -----------------    -----------
  near16       16 bits           offset_16            IP
  near32       32 bits           offset_32            EIP
  far16        32 bits       segment:offset_16       CS:IP
  far32        48 bits       segment:offset_32       CS:EIP 

Additional query words: kbinf 6.10

Keywords :
Version : :6.1,6.11,6.1a
Platform :
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Last Reviewed: January 7, 2000
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