PATCH: MASM 6.13 Patch Available

ID: Q177759

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Macro Assembler for Windows NT, versions 6.11, 6.11a, 6.11d, 6.12


ML613.exe contains the files you need to update the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) from version 6.11, 6.11a, 6.11d or 6.12 to version 6.13. To use this update, you must have either MASM version 6.11, 6.11a, 6.11d, or 6.12 installed. One or more of the following files are affected by this update depending on the version installed: ML.exe, ML.err, H2inc.exe, H2inc.err, Readme.txt, Errmsg.txt, or Support.txt.

NOTE: Please see the Readme.txt contained in this update for other information and installation instructions.


The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. Click the file names below to download the files:

For more information about how to download files from the Microsoft Download Center, please visit the Download Center at the following Web address
and then click How to use the Microsoft Download Center. Due to changes in the MS-DOS extender used in earlier versions of MASM, MASM 6.12 and later do not run on Windows 3.1x or MS-DOS. Either Windows NT or Windows 95 is required to run MASM 6.12 and later. If you are working in MS-DOS or Windows 3.1x, you need to continue using version 6.11d. For additional information about upgrading to 6.11d, please click the article number(s) below to view the article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q138983 PATCH: MASM 6.11d Patch Available
Note that you can use MASM 6.13 to develop applications that run under MS-DOS or Windows 3.1x.

The files provided in ML613.exe do not patch MASM version 6.11c, which was made available only in the Windows NT version 3.5 DDK and Windows 95 DDK, in the form of the files Ml.exe and Ml.err. You must replace these two files with their 6.11 or 6.11d counterparts before installing the 6.13 patch. The versions of ML.exe and ML.err from MASM version 6.11d can also be found in the Windows NT version 3.51 DDK. You can reinstall the ML.exe and ML.err files for MASM version 6.11 from the original disks. To do this, select Copy a file from the distribution disks from the setup program's main menu and specify ML.exe and ML.err.

NOTE: MASM 6.11 is no longer available as a retail product. There are two ways to obtain MASM 6.11:
  1. As a fulfillment option for Visual C++, if you have a registered copy of Visual C++, you can contact Microsoft at 1-800-360-7561 to obtain a copy of MASM 6.11 for the cost of shipping & handling. The supplemental part number is 016-051-S02.

  2. MASM 6.11 is included with some levels of the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). You can order MSDN by contacting Microsoft Sales and Service at 1-800-426-9400.

Additional query words: upgrade fix softlib

Keywords : kbfile kbpatch kbMASM kbMASM611 kbMASM612 kbDSupport
Version :
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 31, 2000
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