DOCERR: Errors in Chapter 5 of MASM Programmer's Guide

ID: Q30493

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Macro Assembler for MS-DOS, versions 5.0, 5.1
  • Microsoft Macro Assembler for OS/2, version 5.1


There are several documentation errors, shown in detail below, in Chapter 5 of the Microsoft Macro Assembler Programmer's Guide that shipped with MASM version 5.0, 5.1, and 5.1a. Attempting to assemble the sample code provided on page 90 and 95 will cause MASM to generate the following error:

A2105: Expected: instruction, directive, or label
Please note the changes listed below and make these changes to your copy of the Microsoft Macro Assembler Programmer's Guide.


The following are documentation errors occurring in Chapter 5 of the Microsoft Macro Assembler Programmer's Guide and their corrections:

Page 90, Example 2

EXTR xvariable:FAR
Should be as follows:
EXTRN xvariable:FAR
Page 90, Example 2
EXTR xprocedure:PROC
Should be as follows:
EXTRN xprocedure:PROC
Page 95, Example 2
EXTR xvariable:FAR
Should be as follows:
EXTRN xvariable:FAR

Additional query words: 5.00 5.10

Keywords :
Version : :5.0,5.1
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 4, 2000
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