The information in this article applies to:
When you install the World Wide Web (WWW) server from the Internet
Information Server, four new objects are added to the existing list of
objects in Windows NT Performance Monitor. This article describes an object
called Internet Information Server which contains 28 counters.
The definitions of the counters under the Performance Monitor object World
wide Web server are given below:
BGI RequestsBinary Gateway Interface (BGI) requests are custom gateway Dynamic Link Libraries (*.DLL files) the administrator can install to add forms processing or other dynamic data sources.Bytes Received/secBytes Received/sec is the rate that data bytes are received by the HTTP server.Bytes Sent/secBytes Sent/sec is the rate that data bytes are sent by the HTTP server.Bytes Total/secBytes Total/sec is the sum of Bytes Sent/sec and Bytes Received/sec. This is the total rate of bytes transferred by the HTTP server.CGI requestsCommon Gateway Interface (CGI) requests are custom gateway executables (*.EXE files) the administrator can install to add forms processing or other dynamic data sources.Connection AttemptsConnection Attempts is the number of connection attempts that have been made to the HTTP server.Connections/secConnections/sec is the number of HTTP requests being handled per second.Current Anonymous UsersCurrent Anonymous Users is the number of anonymous users currently connected to the HTTP server.Current BGI RequestsCurrent BGI Requests is the current number of BGI requests that are simultaneously being processed by the HTTP server.Current CGI RequestsCurrent CGI Requests is the current number of CGI requests that are simultaneously being processed by the HTTP server. This includes WAIS index queries.Current ConnectionsCurrent Connections is the current number of connections to the HTTP server.Current NonAnonymous UsersCurrent NonAnonymous Users is the number of nonanonymous users currently connected to the HTTP server.Files ReceivedFiles Received is the total number of files received by the HTTP server.Files SentFiles Sent is the total number of files sent by the HTTP server.Files TotalFiles Total is the sum of Files Sent and Files Received. This is the total number of files transferred by the HTTP server.Get RequestsGet Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the GET method. Get requests are generally used for basic file retrievals or image maps, though they can be used with forms.Head RequestsHead Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the HEAD method. Head requests generally indicate a client is querying the state of a document they already have, to see if it needs to be refreshed.Logon AttemptsLogon Attempts is the number of logon attempts that have been made by the HTTP server.Maximum Anonymous UsersMaximum Anonymous Users is the maximum number of anonymous users simultaneously connected to the HTTP server.Maximum BGI RequestsMaximum BGI Requests is the maximum number of BGI requests that are simultaneously being processed by the HTTP server.Maximum CGI RequestsMaximum CGI Requests is the maximum number of CGI requests that are simultaneously being processed by the HTTP server. This includes WAIS index queries.Maximum ConnectionsMaximum Connections is the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the HTTP server.Maximum NonAnonymous UsersMaximum NonAnonymous Users is the maximum number of nonanonymous users simultaneously connected to the HTTP server.Not Found ErrorsNot Found Errors is the number of requests that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.Other Request methodsOther Request methods is the number of HTTP requests that are not GET, POST or HEAD methods. These may include PUT, DELETE, LINK or other methods supported by gateway applications.Post RequestsPost Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the POST method. Post requests are generally used for forms or gateway requests.Total Anonymous UsersTotal Anonymous Users is the total number of anonymous users that have ever connected to the HTTP server.Total NonAnonymous UsersTotal NonAnonymous Users is the total number of nonanonymous users that have ever connected to the HTTP server.Additional query words: prodiis
Keywords : kbusage iiswww |
Last Reviewed: April 28, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |