Gateway Error When Run CGI Application Connecting to Database

ID: Q151825

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0


When you use a CGI application that accesses a SQL Server or other database, Internet Information Server (IIS) may return the following error:

502 Gateway error
However, IIS can also return no information, and the Web browser will appear to stop responding.


When you access a data source with IIS, a System DSN must be used. This applies for CGI applications and Internet Database Connector(IDC) files.


To set up a System DSN:

  1. In Control Panel, click the ODBC icon.

  2. In the Data Sources dialog box, click the System DSN button. NOTE: This step is important because IIS only works with System DSN.

  3. In the System DSN dialog box, click the Add button to display the Add Data Source dialog box.

  4. In the Add Data Source dialog box, select the driver for the data source you are connecting to, and click OK.

  5. Enter the data source name and the location of the database as needed (depending on which type of database you plan to access).

  6. Click OK. NOTE: The System Data Sources dialog box is
    displayed and displays the name of the data source you created. Click Close.

  7. The Data Sources dialog box is displayed. Click Close.

Additional query words: visual c access sql odbc oracle internet explorer netscape HTTP

Keywords : kbenv iisconfig
Version : winnt:1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: February 4, 1999
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