Maximum Number of SQL Statements Reached in IDC

ID: Q173965

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server version 3.0


If you are using more than 20 SQL Statements in an Internet Database Connector (IDC) file, you may get the following error message:

Error performing query maximum number of SQL statement fields in
the idc file has been exceeded.


The Httpodbc.dll file was hard coded to support a maximum of 20 SQL Statements per IDC file.


A new version of the Httpodbc.dll file allows a maximum of 100 SQL Statements per IDC file. This new version will only work with Microsoft Windows NT Server Service Pack 3 (SP3) or later.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Internet Information Server version 3.0. A supported fix is now available, but has not been fully regression-tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem.

Unless you are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Service Pack that contains this fix. Contact Microsoft Technical Support for more information.

Additional query words: iis

Keywords : kberrmsg kbbug3.00 iisodbc
Version : WinNT:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: May 5, 1999
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