The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you use the ASP Response CacheControl method from an ASP page, ASP may leak memory. RESOLUTIONTo resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows NT 4.0 or
the individual software update. For information on obtaining the
latest service pack, please go to:
-or- hotfix has been posted to the following Internet location as Fix575i.exe (x86) and Fix575a.exe (Alpha): STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Internet Information Server version 4.0. This problem was first corrected in Windows NT version 4.0 Service Pack 5. MORE INFORMATIONTo test whether or not your system has this problem, monitor the Inetinfo process in Performance Monitor. Set up Performance Monitor to monitor the Inetinfo process using the counters for private bytes. Monitor the Inetinfo process for a period of time to get a baseline reading, and then create an ASP file with the following lines: Response.Expires = 0After you add these lines to the ASP file and then execute the ASP file on the IIS computer continuously, the private bytes counter will rise accordingly. Additional query words: 4.00
Keywords : kbbug4.00 kbfix4.00 nt4sp5fix |
Last Reviewed: August 27, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |