Deciphering IISSYNC Status Codes

ID: Q224801

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4.0


The IISSYNC utility is used to synchronize Internet Information Server (IIS) metabase and Transaction Server packages on one Node with IIS on a Microsoft Cluster Server on the other Node.

The IISSYNC utility returns a status code upon completion. This status code is always a numeric message whether the synchronization was successful or whether an error occurred.

This article contains a list of status codes that are most often encountered and what the possible or probable cause of the status code is.


IISSYNC Status Codes

Status Code Meaning & Probable Cause
0 Successful Synchronization
3 metabase is inaccessible on Target Server. (The metabase may be corrupt or in use.)
1060 Communications problem between Nodes. (This occurs when the Dcom default protocols do not match on both Nodes.)
1722 The RPC server is unavailable. Invalid Target Server Name or Communications Problem between Nodes
2147500037 MTS Replication is not configured. (See the Knowledge Base article Q191138)
2148007941 Administrator account not logged in on Target Server. (If MTS is configured for Local Administration instead of Remote Administration, it is necessary to have a Local Administrator Equivalent account logged on the Target Server when IISSYNC is run.)
2148598792 Communications problem between Nodes. (Possible IP Conflict. Make sure all IP addresses on both Nodes and in the IIS Resource group are all in the same subnet and valid.)
2148598794 Invalid share in MTS replication settings. (Set the MTS replication share to the administration share on which MTS is installed on the Target Server.)
2148599041 User logged on to Target Server has insufficient rights for MTS replication. (Log on to Target Server as Local Administrator.)
2148598801 The component's CLSID is missing or corrupt.

As further status codes are encountered and a cause has been determined, the information will be added to this Knowledge Base article.

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : winnt:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: November 17, 1999
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