INFO: Queues Not Viewable in MSMQ Explorer

ID: Q176115

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Message Queue Server version 1.0


Certain types of queues are not viewable through the Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) Explorer.


MSMQ Explorer shows public queues that are viewable by default. With an extra step, you can view a computer's private queues. To see the private queues, right-click on the machine name in MSMQ Explorer, and select Show Private Queues. Note that if you do a Refresh in MSMQ Explorer, you will no longer see the private queues. In this case, you must select the option again. This behavior is by design.

In addition to these queues, there are system queues that are used exclusively for internal Falcon operation. These are interim transmission queues that clients and servers use to store and forward messages on their way to the destination queue. These interim transmission queues are not viewable through MSMQ Explorer. This behavior is by design.

Knowing how this behavior works is useful if you are browsing the enterprise, looking for a sent message. If that message is in one of these internal queues at that moment, it will not appear in MSMQ Explorer.

MSMQ Explorer, like any other Falcon application, shows only contents of queues that it has access rights to open. So there may be pubic queues whose contents are not viewable in MSMQ Explorer.


For more information, search for Microsoft Message Queue Server at:

Additional query words: beta99 MQ

Keywords : kbusage MQDeploy MQExplorer MQGen MQQueue
Version : winnt:1.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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