Username Missing from Proxy Server Log Entries

ID: Q235008

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Proxy Server version 2.0


When you examine Web Proxy log files, while you are using Microsoft Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication for your clients, you may notice that some log entries do not list the user name.


Anonymous log entries are vestiges of the Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication process and do not represent successful requests. For example, you may have the following log entries:

-, -, -, N, 6/10/99, 10:22:26, W3Proxy, MYCLIENT, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, 
-, -, -, N, 6/10/99, 10:22:26, W3Proxy, MYCLIENT, -, -, -, -, -, -, -,, YOURDOMAIN\userid, -, Y, 6/10/99, 10:22:28, W3Proxy, 
The first two entries are part of the challenge and response used to authenticate the user and do not list a user name because the user has not completed the authentication. After the authentication is complete, the user is known and logged in the entries. The last entry request is completed sucessfully.

This behavior is by design.

Additional query words: logging

Keywords : kbtool kbui prodprx2
Version : winnt:2.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 20, 2000
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