Commerce 3.0: Commerce.MtsTxPipeline error '80080005'

ID: Q218494

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Site Server version 3.0, Commerce Edition


When attempting to make a purchase from a Microsoft Site Server commerce store, the following error might appear in the browser:

Commerce.MtsTxPipeline error '80080005' Error loading the pipeline configuration data from the file: D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\lindt\LS_Shop\config\purchase.pcf SQLItemAdo -- {1D265C80-77B2-11D0-8D58-00C04FD7A111} Server execution failed /ls_shop/i_util.asp, line 108
Concurrent with this error, the following errors might be logged in the server's application log:
The description for Event ID ( 12293 ) in Source ( Microsoft Site Server 3.0 ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): Error loading the pipeline configuration data from the file: D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\lindt\LS_Shop\config\purchase.pcf SQLItemAdo -- {1D265C80-77B2-11D0-8D58-00C04FD7A111} Server execution failed

Failed on creation from object context: CoGetClassObject (ProgId: Commerce.SQLItemADO.1) (CLSID: {1D265C80-77B2-11D0-8D58-00C04FD7A111}) (Interface: IClassFactory) (IID: {00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}) (Microsoft Transaction Server Internals Information: File: d:\viper\src\runtime\context\ccontext.cpp, Line: 1235)


This error can be caused by insufficient Microsoft Transaction Server permissions for the System Package or for the Commerce Pipeline Components package. To work around this problem, ensure that both packages are running as administrative users.

To ensure that the System Package is running as an administrative user:

  1. In the Microsoft Management Console, expand in turn Transaction Server, Computers, <my computer>, and Packages Installed.

  2. Right-click System Package and click Properties in the pop-up menu.

  3. Click the Identity tab.

  4. Switch the user to an administrative user.

To ensure that the Commerce Pipeline Components package is running as an administrative user:
  1. In the Microsoft Management Console, expand in turn Transaction Server, Computers, <my computer>, and Packages Installed.

  2. Right-click Commerce Pipeline Components Package and click Properties in the pop-up menu.

  3. Click the Identity tab.

  4. Switch the user to this user and type in the name and password of an administrative user.

Additional query words:

Keywords : prodCS
Version : winnt:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 21, 1999
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