CD: Cannot Deploy Nested CAB

ID: Q229617

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Site Server version 3.0


Content Deployment (CD) can not deploy a CAB file, if the CAB file is nested. This means that the CAB file contains another CAB file within it.


It is possible to deploy un-nested CAB files serially using a CD script. If there are more than two CAB files that need to be deployed, the deployment process can be chained together so one CAB file will be deployed after another. This can be accomplished by executing a script at the end of the first deployment.

  • Modify the CAB file so that it doesn't contain a CAB within it.

  • Use the AfterSendScript to chain the two CAB files to be deployed.

You can only chain two CAB files since the script can only be executed once.
For additional information about running a Content Deployment script, please consult Site Server online documentation.


A component deployment disseminates compressed application files across a network where the files can be uncompressed and installed automatically on remote servers. Component deployment is one of Content Deployment’s more powerful features. It enables you to replicate active content, including Java and COM applets, to all the Microsoft® Windows NT® servers at your site.

The earlier paragraph is extracted from Site Server online documentation.

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : winnt:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 2, 1999
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