Site Server Search Limited to 63 Characters

ID: Q234251

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Site Server version 3.0


There is a 63-character search string limitation in Microsoft Site Server. Long URL strings do not get matched because the search string is truncated after the 64th character.


To work around this problem, modify the code of the search page so that any search on a meta tag is evaluated as follows:

@property \tag\we\are\searching\for


#property = "\tag\we\are\searching\for"
The second query, "#property =", trims the result string to make sure you get an exact match.

The limitation of this workaround is that you cannot use the @meta_property that is automatically generated by Search. You have to declare a property for the meta tag and set it to cached and retrievable in the schema.

Another workaround is to use another character separator, instead of a back slash (\). If you use another character separator, such as a vertical bar ( | ), you can get the searches you want. The meta property value is as follows:

<META NAME="Releases" CONTENT="|Company|Release|B7321, |Company|Release|
B7322, |Company|Release|B733"><META NAME="Product"CONTENT="|
and the search is:

(@meta_ContentType CSKnowledge) AND (@meta_Product|Company|Products|OneWorld|Manufacturing|ManufacturingPlanning) 


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Site Server 3.0.

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : winnt:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 27, 1999
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