How to Remove a Member Through ADSI Using Visual C++
ID: Q243726
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Site Server version 3.0
Microsoft Site Server version 3.0, Commerce Edition
You can remove a member by using the following steps:
- Create a new project - an empty Win32 Console Application.
- Create a new .cpp file and paste in the following code:
#include <comdef.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
HRESULT RemoveMember (OLECHAR * strServerName, OLECHAR * strServerPort,
OLECHAR * strOrganization, OLECHAR * strMemberName)
IADsContainer * pIADsContainer;
CComBSTR strPathName;
CComBSTR strMemberObjectName;
CComBSTR strAdminDN;
// Create our connection string
strPathName = OLESTR ("LDAP://");
strPathName.Append (strServerName);
strPathName.Append (OLESTR (":"));
strPathName.Append (strServerPort);
strPathName.Append (OLESTR ("/o="));
strPathName.Append (strOrganization);
strPathName.Append (OLESTR ("/ou=members"));
// Create our Admin DN based on the organization name
strAdminDN = OLESTR ("cn=Administrator, ou=members, o=");
strAdminDN.Append (strOrganization);
// Connect to the LDAP server using an authenticated bind
printf ("Binding to LDAP.\n");
hr = ADsOpenObject (strPathName, strAdminDN, L"password", 0, IID_IADsContainer, (void**)&pIADsContainer);
if (FAILED (hr)) return (hr);
// Prepend the member name with "cn="
strMemberObjectName = OLESTR ("cn=");
strMemberObjectName.Append (strMemberName);
// Remove the member
printf ("Removing the member.\n");
hr = pIADsContainer->Delete (L"member", strMemberObjectName);
if (FAILED (hr)) return (hr);
// Clean up and return
pIADsContainer->Release ();
return S_OK;
void main (void)
OLECHAR strServerName [100];
OLECHAR strServerPort [100];
OLECHAR strOrganization [100];
OLECHAR strUserName [100];
char buffer [100];
CoInitialize (NULL);
printf ("Server Name:\t");
gets (buffer);
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, strServerName, 100);
printf ("LDAP Port:\t");
gets (buffer);
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, strServerPort, 100);
printf ("Organization:\t");
gets (buffer);
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, strOrganization, 100);
printf ("User Name:\t");
gets (buffer);
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, strUserName, 100);
printf ("Removing member...\n");
hr = RemoveMember (strServerName, strServerPort, strOrganization, strUserName);
if (FAILED (hr)) printf ("Failed to remove member. Error = %8X\n", hr);
else printf ("Member removed successfully.\n");
CoUninitialize ();
- Select the Project Settings.
- From the Link tab, add the Adsiid.lib and Activeds.lib items to the Object/library modules.
- Compile the code.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : winnt:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto