SMS Network Applications Database Synchronization

ID: Q122175

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2


When a program group or package is defined for a site in a hierarchy, it is replicated to all child sites of the site for which it was defined. The process of replicating the network applications database (NAD) involves many subprocesses. It is possible that various combinations of parent site attachments and detachments may make the NAD go out of synch between originating and current sites.

The RSAPPCTL utility can be used to manage the NAD replication and reset process when it goes out of synch. You can run RSAPPCTL from the SITE.SRV\<architecture> directory.

Command Syntax:

   rsappctl {/SELF} {/ALL} {/SITE:sitecode} {/SITESERVER:servername} 

   /SELF                   Reset NAD for this site (but not children).
   /ALL                    Reset NAD for all child sites (not self).
   /SITE:sitecode          Reset NAD for the specified child site.
   /SITESERVER:server      This site's site server. Only needed
                           if NADRESET is not being run on the site server. 
You can combine /SELF with /ALL to do a total reset of the current site and any children of the current site.

Additional query words: sms prodsms

Keywords : kbnetwork ntdomain nthowto ntconfig smsdatabase
Version : winnt:1.0,1.1,1.2
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 13, 1999
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