Event ID 7000: RDR Service Failed to Start

ID: Q124641

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.5

When you reboot a computer running Windows NT Server the following text is written to the System Log (Event Id 7000):
The RDR service failed to start due to the following error; An Instant of the service is already running.

The SRV service failed to start due to the following error; An Instant of the service is already running.
This problem occurs when you are using a beta release of System Management Server.

To correct this problem, remove the beta version of SMS or install a released version of SMS.

Additional query words: sms prodnt stop errors prodsms

Keywords : kbnetwork smsgeneral
Version : winnt:3.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 1, 1999
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