Client Setup of Systems Management Server Alters AUTOEXEC.BAT

ID: Q139142

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server versions 1.1, 1.2


When you set up an MS-DOS or Windows client computer for Systems Management Server, a call to CLIENT.BAT is added to the client computer's AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This article explains how you can control where to place the call of CLIENT.BAT in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.


Systems Management Server Client Setup reads AUTOEXEC.BAT and searches for the WIN (WIN.COM) statement. It does this so it can place a necessary call to CLIENT.BAT before Windows is started by the "WIN" command. Sometimes because of the need to load TSR's or other programs after CLIENT.BAT is called, but before Windows loads, CLIENT.BAT's call must be moved ahead in AUTOEXEC.BAT.

At the point in AUTOEXEC.BAT, where you want to call CLIENT.BAT, place a call to an empty batch file named WIN.BAT. Create an empty batch file called WIN.BAT, and place it in a directory not included in the path (if the directory is in the path earlier than Windows, then Windows may never load). For example:

  1. Create the host directory:
          md c:\foolit 

  2. Create WIN.BAT:
          echo exit >c:\foolit\win.bat 

  3. Place the following in AUTOEXEC.BAT:
          call c:\foolit\win 

Systems Management Server Client Setup detects "call c:\foolit\win" as the call to start Windows (using WIN.COM) and automatically places the call to CLIENT.BAT one line before it.

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords : smssetup
Version : winnt:1.1,1.2
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: December 16, 1999
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