SMS Sender Manager Tool

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 1.1


The Systems Management Server 1.1 release includes additional sender and address based bandwidth control which can be configured in the registry. This feature allows a site to limit the link bandwidth consumed in sending packages to another site. This article describes the way the bandwidth control feature operates.


There are three basic steps to configure this:

1. The SNDRMGR.EXE tool should be copied from the PSSTOOLS directory on the

   SMS CD-ROM into the SITE.SRV directory's platform specific directory. An
   icon can also be created to point to this tool. Then, just run the tool,
   and specify the machine name of the site server you which to configure.

2. Enter the Address dialog by double-clicking the appropriate address
   listed in the tool. There are several items to configure such as the
   estimated link speed, and the percentage of the link to utilize. You do
   not have to use address based controls, you may use a sender based
   control, but you should still specify the estimated link speed at an
   address basis. The registry location for this information is:


3. Enter the Sender dialog by double-clicking the appropriate sender listed
   in the tool. If you wish to have the controls apply to the previously
   configured address, indicate this under the "Rate Limits" settings,
   otherwise, select "Use Sender Limits" and specify the rate on a per-hour
   basis. The registry location for this information is:


The settings you have chosen are written into the sender and address portions of the registry to be used by the sender. You should begin to see bandwidth control messages appear in the sender log files to verify that the control is in effect. The sender will then only use as much of the estimated link speed as the rate percentage you have specified.

Each time the sender sends a buffer of the package to the remote site, it recomputes a delay factor and indicates in the log file how long it will delay before sending the next buffer. In this way, the total average utilization of the link will be controlled, even though while sending a single buffer of the package will be sent at full speed.

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords          : kbnetwork kbtool smssenders 
Version           : 1.1
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: December 16, 1999
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