SMS: Hardware Inventory Stops Responding with Madge Token Ring

ID: Q158312

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 1.2


During the Hardware Inventory phase of a Systems Management Server client computer running Windows 3.x, the client may stop responding and need to be restarted. Further analysis shows that the client is stopping at the NovellNetcardInfo stage.

This problem may occur on computers running MS-DOS and Windows 3.x with the NetWare redirector and a Madge Token Ring network adapter card.


This problem is due to the revision of the Madge Token Ring driver that is being used. As of October 28, 1996, the latest driver is version 4.3. This version of the driver can be obtained from Madge (

By replacing the Madge driver with the latest version, the inventory process will complete and the network adapter card will be inventoried correctly.

Additional query words: prodsms NW Novell freeze hang hung locked lock up lock-up

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbhw kbnetwork smsinv
Version : winnt:1.2
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 15, 1999
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