SMS: Error: "Cannot Establish a Security Context with the Client"
ID: Q173565
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Systems Management Server version 1.2
When a person running the Systems Management Server Administrator program
attempts to establish a Remote Control session with a client computer
running Windows NT, the message "Cannot establish a security context with
the client" is returned. If the Remote Control button is clicked again,
another window containing the following message appears:
The currently logged in user does not have rights to access the client
machine. Please provide the username, domain, and password of an account
that is allowed to access the client.
Regardless of what user name, domain, and password is supplied, the "Cannot
establish security context" message is always returned.
This particular problem has two possible causes. One possible cause is that
there is no valid entry in the Permitted Viewers registry key on the
Systems Management Server client that is to be controlled remotely.
The other possible cause is that this is an Administrator program problem
where the Workstation service is not functioning correctly on the system
running the Systems Management Server Administrator program. If this is the
case, the system running the Administrator program will be unable to
remotely control any other computer running Windows NT.
To determine which of these two possibilities may be causing your problem,
try to use Remote Control on the target client from another computer
running the Systems Management Server Administrator program. If the
workstation can be successfully controlled remotely from another system
running the Systems Management Server Administrator program, then this is
probably not a problem with the client computer.
To work around this problem, follow the steps below, depending on whether
the cause of the problem is with the client computer or the computer
running the Systems Management Server Administrator program:
Client Problem
- If the client computer running Windows NT cannot be remotely controlled
from any system running the Systems Management Server Administrator
program, examine the following registry key on the Windows NT client
that you want to use Remote Control on:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Client Services\Remote
- Ensure that the Permitted Viewers value (REG_MULTI_SZ) contains a valid
Windows NT user account or group (such as Administrators).
You can define the site-wide setting for the permitted viewers in the
Systems Management Server Administrator program. To do this, click Clients
on the Site Properties menu, and then click Options.
Administrator Problem
- If the system running the Systems Management Server Administrator
program is unable to use Remote Control on any client computer running
Windows NT (that can be controlled remotely from other stations running
the Systems Management Server Administrator program), first try applying (or reapplying) the latest service pack for Windows NT. This has proven to correct some of these problems. If the problem remains, remove and
reinstall the Workstation service on the system running the Systems
Management Server Administrator program. You can do this by using the Network tool in Control Panel. If the system is a domain controller, the workstation service cannot be removed.
WARNING: Removing this service will not allow the workstation to connect
to a remote location to reinstall the service. Make certain the system
has a CD-ROM drive and the Windows NT CD-ROM, or has copied the Windows NT
I386 (or other platform) folder to its local hard disk before
removing this service.
- Reapply any Windows NT service packs that were previously applied to the
- Restart the system.
The system should now be able to use Remote Control on any remote client
computers running Windows NT.
Additional query words:
prodsms utility tool admin
Keywords : kbnetwork smsremtshoot
Version : winnt:1.2
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb