The Systems Management Server Dataloader service produces duplicate
Datakeys in the SMS database when a deadlock occurs and the Dataloader
process is selected as a deadlock victim.
Additionally, the Dataloader log (when SQL tracing is enabled) will contain
errors similar to the following messages:
Err>General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server.~
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Msg>Your server command (process id 10) was deadlocked with another
process and has been chosen as deadlock victim. Re-run your command~~
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd> declare @NextInstanceKey int select @NextInstanceKey =
NextInstanceKey from GroupMap where GroupKey = 1 and ArchitectureKey =
5 insert into MachineDataTable (ArchitectureKey, GroupKey, dwMachineID,
SpecificKey, CommonKey, InstanceKey, TimeKey) select
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd>5,1,dwMachineID+6099932, SpecificKey+120354,
isnull(t2.newdatakey,0),InstanceKey + @NextInstanceKey, getdate() from
_Identification_SPEC t1, _Identification_COMM t2 where t1.CommonKey *=
t2.datakey and SpecificKey > 0 insert into MachineDataTable (Archite
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd>ctureKey, GroupKey, dwMachineID, SpecificKey, CommonKey,
InstanceKey, TimeKey) select 5,1,dwMachineID+6099932, 0,
isnull(t2.newdatakey,0),InstanceKey + @NextInstanceKey, getdate() from
_Identification_SPEC t1, _Identification_COMM t2 where t1.CommonKey
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd>*= t2.datakey and SpecificKey = 0 select @NextInstanceKey =
isnull(max(InstanceKey),0)+1 from MachineDataTable where GroupKey = 1
and ArchitectureKey = 5 update GroupMap set NextInstanceKey =
@NextInstanceKey where GroupKey = 1 and ArchitectureKey = 5
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Msg>The commit transaction request has no corresponding BEGIN
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd> declare @NextInstanceKey int select @NextInstanceKey =
NextInstanceKey from GroupMap where GroupKey = 1 and ArchitectureKey =
5 insert into MachineDataTable (ArchitectureKey, GroupKey, dwMachineID,
SpecificKey, CommonKey, InstanceKey, TimeKey) select
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd>5,1,dwMachineID+6099932, SpecificKey+120354,
isnull(t2.newdatakey,0),InstanceKey + @NextInstanceKey, getdate() from
_Identification_SPEC t1, _Identification_COMM t2 where t1.CommonKey *=
t2.datakey and SpecificKey > 0 insert into MachineDataTable (Archite
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd>ctureKey, GroupKey, dwMachineID, SpecificKey, CommonKey,
InstanceKey, TimeKey) select 5,1,dwMachineID+6099932, 0,
isnull(t2.newdatakey,0),InstanceKey + @NextInstanceKey, getdate() from
_Identification_SPEC t1, _Identification_COMM t2 where t1.CommonKey
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Cmd>*= t2.datakey and SpecificKey = 0 select @NextInstanceKey =
isnull(max(InstanceKey),0)+1 from MachineDataTable where GroupKey = 1
and ArchitectureKey = 5 update GroupMap set NextInstanceKey =
@NextInstanceKey where GroupKey = 1 and ArchitectureKey = 5
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
~Couldn't load all groups $$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16
07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Logging an event for the error.~ $$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct
16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
~Error updating child site inventory, will retry in 360 minutes.
$$<SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER><Thu Oct 16 07:50:19 1997~><thread=61>
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server
version 1.2. This problem has been corrected in the latest U.S. service
pack for Systems Management Server version 1.2. For information on
obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base (without the spaces):