SMS: INVDOS Reports 2 GB Space on FAT32 Drives Larger Than 2 GB

ID: Q193031

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 1.2


Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2) and later versions of Windows (including Microsoft Windows 98) have the ability to create partitions of type FAT32. These partitions store files more efficiently by using smaller cluster sizes. However, if a FAT32 partition is greater than 2 GB, INVDOS incorrectly reports the drive as having only 2 GB of space.


The problem is due to a limitation of the int 21 36h call made to get the drive space information from the operating system. On these large partitions using smaller cluster sizes, the 16-bit registers will overflow, and an incorrect number is returned from the operating system.


A supported fix that corrects this problem is now available from Microsoft, but it has not been fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. If you are not severely affected by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Systems Management Server service pack that contains this fix.

To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the fix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information on support costs, please go to the following address on the World Wide Web:
This fix has been recently updated. Please use the new versions of the hotfix files. The NEW English version of the fix should have the following file attributes or later:

   Date       Time               Size      File name    Platform

   5/11/99   9:04am            118,960   95Getdsk.exe   x86
   5/11/99   9:05am             80,652     Invdos.exe   x86
   5/11/99   9:06am             58,068    Getdisk.exe   x86 
NOTE: Due to file dependencies, the most recent hotfix or feature that contains the above files may also contain additional files.

For comparison purposes, the ORIGINAL English version of this fix had the following file attributes:

   Date       Time                Size      File name   Platform

   08/12/98   5:18pm             22,884    Getdisk.exe   x86
   08/12/98   5:38pm            117,920   95Getdsk.exe   x86 


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server version 1.2.


To install the fix, perform the following steps on the site server:

  1. Replace the Getdisk.exe, 95Getdsk.exe, and Invdos.exe files in the SMS_root\Site.srv\\Client.src\X86.bin directory with the versions obtained from the hotfix.

  2. If you had not previously installed the ORIGINAL fix for this issue, you will also need to make changes to the file to ensure that the 95Getdsk.exe file is copied to your clients. Note that this should be done after the updated files have been copied to the Systems Management Server site server.

    WARNING: This method involves making changes to the file. Editing the file incorrectly can damage your site installation, and should only be done according to this specific procedure or at the direction of Systems Management Server Support.

    To update the file, perform the following steps:

    1. Use a text editor such as Notepad to open the file and search for Getdisk.exe.

    2. Do a copy and a paste of the complete Getdisk.exe section. This should produce two identical Getdisk.exe sections.

    3. Replace all references to GETDISK with 95GETDSK for the second section of Getdisk.exe. Also, change the size to 118960.

    4. Save the file and close the text editor. When you are done, the entry should look like the following:
               "GETDISK.EXE", SIZE(1, 16548, 16548),  "GETDISK.EXE",
               "WIN16:STANDARD" = "SMS", "DOS:STANDARD" = "SMS"), COMPRESS=NO,
               FLAGS = 5
               "95GETDSK.EXE", SIZE(1, 118960, 118960),  "95GETDSK.EXE",
               "95GETDSK.EX_", REMOTE=YES,   COPYLISTS("WIN95:STANDARD" = "SMS",
               "WIN16:STANDARD" = "SMS", "DOS:STANDARD" = "SMS"), COMPRESS=NO,
               FLAGS = 5

  3. The files will be replicated at the next Maintenance Manger work cycle to all Systems Management Server logon servers to the SMS\Logon.srv\X86.bin directory. When that occurs, you can update the clients.

    To update the clients, either manually run Upgrade.bat on each client or follow the instructions in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    Q166771 SMS: How to Force Site-Wide Client Updates

Additional query words: OSR3 Win95 Win98 Win9x prodsms

Keywords : kbSMS120 kbSMS120bug smsinv kbbug1.20
Version : winnt:1.2
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 27, 1999
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