SMS: SQL Server 7.0 Not Recommended or Supported with Systems Management Server 1.2

ID: Q196824

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 1.2
  • Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0
  • Microsoft BackOffice Server version 4.5


Microsoft Product Support Services does not recommend or support the use of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (either in native mode or in SQL Server 6.5 compatibility mode) as the database engine for Systems Management Server 1.2.


Architectural changes in SQL Server 7.0 introduce incompatibilities between SQL Server 7.0 and Systems Management Server 1.2. Microsoft has confirmed this to be a limitation of Systems Management Server version 1.2, and is currently investigating possible resolutions for a future service pack.

Additional query words: prodsms smsdb sp

Keywords : kbsetup kbDatabase kbSMS120
Version : winnt:1.2,4.5,7.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: May 20, 1999
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