SMSINST: Command Line Switches Are Not Designed to Work Together

ID: Q198984

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server Installer versions 1.0, 2.0


When an executable file compiled using Systems Management Server Installer is run from the command line with two or more switches, the switches are not executed properly. Only the first switch is executed.

The command line switches were designed to work by themselves, not in conjunction with any other command line switches.


Command Line Switches and Their Functions


The /M option (manual) prompts you for the locations of the Windows, System, and Temp directories. You can specify any directories; if they do not exist, they will be created. Any changes to public .ini files are saved into the Windows directory that you specify.

With this option, you can specify different directories in order to keep your systems directories pure or to easily detect exactly what was installed. You can then manually copy the files to their final destinations.


The /S option (silent) runs a setup program without displaying any dialog boxes, progress bars, messages, or user prompts. Default values are used for all variables. This option is useful for background installations in networked environments.


The /T option (test) runs a setup program in test mode.

/X [directory_name]

The /X option (extract) lists the files installed by a setup program, allowing you to select some or all of those files. It enables you to specify the directory to which they will be written. Possible uses for this option include:
  • If some files have been deleted or corrupted on the destination computer, you can reinstall only those files.

  • System operators can scan files for viruses without installing them.

If you specify a directory along with the /X option, all files in the installation are written to that directory. If that directory does not exist, it is created within \Temp. For example, the following command writes all the installation files to \Temp\HoldingPen:

Setup /X HoldingPen 

/Z [directory_name]

The /Z option is the same as /X except the computer exits Windows after the files are extracted.

Additional query words: prodsms smsinst

Keywords : kbSMSInst
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 8, 1999
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