SMS: Functions of Migrat1x.exe?

ID: Q199227

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0


This article describes the functions of Migrat1x.exe, which is used to upgrade a Systems Management Server version 1.2 client to Systems Management Server version 2.0.


Before the boot, when you run Migrat1x.exe, it causes the following actions to occur:

  1. Starts the executables referenced in the Migrat1x.ini file (such as Copy1x.exe, which copies the Sms.ini file, Ms\Sms\Idmifs and Ms\Sms\Noidmifs directory to the Windows\Ms\Sms sub-directory tree).

  2. Uninstalls Systems Management Server 1.x client components.

  3. Removes Systems Management Server client services (for 32-bit clients).

  4. Removes the Smsrun16/32 load line from the Win.ini file or registry.

  5. Updates the Migration Status Key registry key (SMS 1.2 Client Migration) to Pending.

After the boot, when you run Migrat1x.exe, it causes the following actions to occur:
  1. Removes the SMS Client program group.

  2. Removes the Ms\Sms sub-directory tree.

  3. Removes the Client Services registry key under

  4. Removes Systems Management Server files from the C:\Windows, C:\Windows\System, and C:\Ms\Sms\Bin folders.

  5. Deletes the Sms.ini file.

  6. Changes Systems Management Server 1.2 Client Migration Status Key in the registry to Done.

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords : kbSMS200
Version : winnt:2.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 5, 1999
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