SMS: Installer Does Not Restart Automatically After Reboot During a Repackage

ID: Q203933

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server Installer versions 1.0, 2.0


When doing a repackage in Systems Management Server Installer and a reboot is made during the repackage, Systems Management Server Installer does not automatically restart and continue with the repackage after the reboot is complete.


Restart Systems Management Server Installer, and click Repackage. A pop-up window is displayed that reads:

A previous repackage is currently in progress. Do you want to complete that repackage?
Click Yes and the repackage will continue.

This behavior is by design and allows for additional applications to be installed or additional changes to be made to the computer before SMS Installer completes the repackage.

Additional query words: prodsms SMSInst

Keywords : kbServer kbSMS200 kbSMS120 kbSMSInst
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,2.0; winnt:2.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 6, 1999
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