SMS: Comment Text is Not Inserted Using "Insert line into Text File"

ID: Q212813

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server Installer versions 1.0, 2.0


When using the Insert Line into Text File, Add to Autoexec.bat, or Add to Config.sys script items and setting the insert action within the script item dialog to Replace Line Containing Text, the comment text specified is not inserted into the target file.


This action is by design. When using the Replace Line Containing text insert action for the Insert Line Into Text File script item or any other script items that uses the same interface such as Add to Autoexec.bat or Add to Config.sys, the Replace Line Containing Text insert action does not preserve the previous line. Thus, there is nothing to comment.

To have lines inserted while maintaining the replaced lines in the file as comments, use the Insert Before Line Containing Text or Insert After Line Containing Text insert actions. These actions will prepend the previous line with the comment text specified in the script item and then insert the new line accordingly.

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords : kbSMS200 kbbug2.00
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 7, 1999
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