SMS: NT_Logon_Server_Manager Enumerates All Shares on Domain Controllers During Maintenance Cycle

ID: Q235762

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0


During each maintenance cycle of Systems Management Server 2.0, the Windows NT Logon Server Manager component attempts to enumerate all of the shares on Windows NT domain controllers. This can consume available network bandwidth on slow links if any of these shares are not available.

An example would be servers that have empty but shared CD-ROM drives or jukeboxes.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server version 2.0. This problem has been corrected in the latest U.S. service pack for Systems Management Server version 2.0. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):



You may find the following entries in the Logon Server Manager log:

Begin service enum on server TESTNTDC1 SMS_NT_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER 3/27/99 10:49:58 PM 785 (0x311)
Completed service enum on server TESTNTDC1 SMS_NT_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER 3/27/99 10:49:58 PM 953 (0x3B9)
Can't determine file system for share TEMP1$ on server TESTNTDC2; GetVolumeInformation GetLastError 2 SMS_NT_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER 3/27/99 10:49:59 PM 808 (0x328)
Can't determine file system for share TEMP10$ on server TESTNTDC2; GetVolumeInformation GetLastError 2 SMS_NT_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER 3/27/99 10:49:59 PM 808 (0x328)
Can't determine file system for share TEMP11$ on server TESTNTDC2; GetVolumeInformation GetLastError 2 SMS_NT_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER 3/27/99 10:50:00 PM 808 (0x328)
Completed service enum on server TESTNTDC2 SMS_NT_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER 3/27/99 10:50:00 PM 803 (0x323)

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords : kbnetwork kbServer kbSMS200 kbSMS200bug kbMaintMan
Version : winnt:2.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 9, 1999
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