SMS: Systems Management Server 2.0 Service Pack 1 Client Hotfix Bundle
ID: Q246527
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0 SP1
Microsoft has released various hotfixes to correct specific issues for Systems Management Server 2.0 clients. Microsoft has packaged these hotfixes into a single client hotfix bundle to simplify application of these hotfixes to a Systems Management Server 2.0 site running Service Pack 1. This article will continue to be updated as new hotfixes are added to this client bundle.
The following table lists Q article numbers and titles that document corrected problems included in the Client Hotfix Bundle for Systems Management Server 2.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1). For more information about each corrected problem in Systems Management Server 2.0 SP1, use the Q article number to query for the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
CAUTION: You must apply SP1 for Systems Management Server 2.0 before installing this client bundle. Do not install the client bundle on sites that are not upgraded to SP1.
Summary List for Client Hotfix Bundle for Systems Management Server 2.0 SP1
SMS: SMSCliToknAcct Connection Attempts to Mapped Drives in Path
SMS: Smscfg.cpl May Not Be Loaded with More Than 20 Network Adapters
Migration from SMS 1.2 to 2.0 Uninstalls LANDesk Remote Control Files
SMS: Smsapm32 May Consume 100 Percent CPU Time on Windows NT SMS Clients
SMS: Run-Time Error When Advertising MFC-Based Package
SMS: Windows 95/98 Clients Hang Opening E-mail Attachments or Associated Files
SMS: Client Components Reinstalled During Periodic Verification
SMS: %SMS_LOCAL_DIR%\MS\CORE\BIN Added to Path Multiple Times
SMS: Copy-Queue Causes "Not Logged in" Requests on NetWare Servers
SMS: Access Account Security on Distribution Points May Be Applied Incorrectly in a Multiple-Domain Environment
SMS: Client Incorrectly Reported as Not Installed in the Administrator Console
SMS: Smsapm32 Uses SMSCliToknAcct& to Search Mapped Drives Listed in the Path
SMSCliSvcAcct& May Be Used When Netware Redirector Is Installed
SMS: SMSCliToknAcct& Locked Out When Hardware Inventory Is Enabled
SMS: Novell intraNetWare Login Dialog Box Appears During Hardware Inventory
Advertised Program Does Not Run with 10003 Status Message
SMS: Smsapm32.exe May Report Status Incorrectly If Package Starts Another Instance
SMS: Software Inventory Creation Date Is Incorrect in SMS Database
SMS: "Insert Disk in Drive A:" Message During Hardware Inventory
Client Installation Corrupts Path Statement in Autoexec.bat
SMS: Multiple Advertisements to the Same Program or Package Do Not Receive Run Status
A supported bundle of fixes that corrects these problems is now available from Microsoft, but it has not been fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing these specific problems. If you are not severely affected by these specific problems, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Systems Management Server service pack that contains these fixes.
To resolve these problems immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this hotfix bundle. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information on support costs, please go to the following address on the World Wide Web:
The English-language version of this software update for Service Pack 1 should have the following file attributes or later:
Date Time Size File name Platform Version
12/30/99 03:34p 5,677 54831.sql I386
10/14/99 07:58p 232,288 Abnwcli.dll I386 2.00.1380.1055
12/30/99 08:15p 367,798 Apasetup.exe I386
10/21/99 12:56p 203,616 Bindcli9.dll I386 2.00.1380.1060
10/21/99 12:56p 259,936 Bindclin.dll I386 2.00.1380.1060
10/21/99 12:53p 257,376 Bindsvrn.dll I386 2.00.1380.1060
11/10/99 09:42p 160,080 Ccim32.dll I386 2.00.1380.1072
11/03/99 08:16p 1,327,679 Ccmcore.exe I386
11/10/99 09:46p 3,632,822 Clicore.exe I386
11/03/99 08:01p 70,000 Clisvc95.exe I386 2.00.1380.1063
11/03/99 08:01p 76,656 Clisvcl.exe I386 2.00.1380.1063
11/03/99 08:11p 268,753 Cliunins.exe I386
10/04/99 06:21p 67 Compver1053.ini I386
10/11/99 02:29p 67 Compver1054.ini I386
11/09/99 08:48p 67 Compver1070.ini I386
11/10/99 09:34p 67 Compver1072.ini I386
01/04/00 12:57p 67 Compver1110.ini I386
11/11/99 06:23p 67 Compver2.ini I386
10/12/99 05:31p 133,188 Dehinv32.exe I386
10/01/99 01:22p 157,536 Falclin.dll I386 2.00.1380.1051
10/12/99 05:31p 327,682 Inhinv32.exe I386
11/05/99 06:59p 277,953 Insinv32.exe I386
11/03/99 08:01p 66,928 Launch32.exe I386 2.00.1380.1063
10/27/99 05:33p 203,104 Mslmcli9.dll I386 2.00.1380.1063
10/27/99 05:33p 335,712 Mslmclin.dll I386 2.00.1380.1063
10/27/99 05:33p 333,664 Mslmsvrn.dll I386 2.00.1380.1063
10/21/99 12:56p 208,224 Ndscli9.dll I386 2.00.1380.1060
10/21/99 12:56p 269,664 Ndsclin.dll I386 2.00.1380.1060
10/21/99 12:54p 267,104 Ndssvrn.dll I386 2.00.1380.1060
12/30/99 08:10p 46,960 Odpsys32.exe I386 2.00.1380.1097
01/03/00 06:38p 54,640 Odpusr32.exe I386 2.00.1380.1107
10/04/99 06:17p 67,952 Progrm32.dll I386 2.00.1380.1053
11/05/99 06:56p 100,208 Sinv32.exe I386 2.00.1380.1070
12/30/99 08:13p 209,264 Smsapm32.exe I386 2.00.1380.1097
10/11/99 02:21p 15,680 Smscimp.dll I386 2.00.1380.1054
11/03/99 07:59p 291,856 Smsclreg.dll I386 2.00.1380.1063
09/28/99 05:29p 75,456 Sms_def.mof I386
01/03/00 06:39p 632,098 Swdist32.exe I386
10/27/99 02:50p 3,826,417 Wbemsdk.exe I386
12/30/99 03:34p 5,677 54831.sql Alpha
10/14/99 07:59p 409,360 Abnwcli.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1055
12/30/99 08:15p 630,108 Apasetup.exe Alpha
11/10/99 09:42p 255,760 Ccim32.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1072
11/03/99 08:15p 1,934,970 Ccmcore.exe Alpha
11/10/99 09:47p 4,806,577 Clicore.exe Alpha
11/03/99 08:00p 100,624 Clisvc95.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1063
11/03/99 08:00p 110,352 Clisvcl.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1063
11/03/99 08:12p 465,812 Cliunins.exe Alpha
10/04/99 06:21p 67 Compver1053.ini Alpha
10/11/99 02:29p 67 Compver1054.ini Alpha
11/09/99 08:48p 67 Compver1070.ini Alpha
11/10/99 09:34p 67 Compver1072.ini Alpha
01/04/00 12:57p 67 Compver1110.ini Alpha
11/11/99 06:23p 67 Compver2.ini Alpha
10/12/99 05:32p 248,466 Dehinv32.exe Alpha
10/01/99 01:22p 285,968 Falclin.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1051
10/12/99 05:32p 567,386 Inhinv32.exe Alpha
11/05/99 06:59p 507,636 Insinv32.exe Alpha
11/03/99 08:00p 97,040 Launch32.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1063
10/27/99 05:33p 575,760 Mslmclin.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1063
10/27/99 05:33p 572,176 Mslmsvrn.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1063
12/30/99 08:11p 67,856 Odpsys32.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1097
01/03/00 06:42p 77,072 Odpusr32.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1107
10/04/99 06:18p 112,912 Progrm32.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1053
11/05/99 06:56p 144,144 Sinv32.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1070
12/30/99 08:13p 279,824 Smsapm32.exe Alpha 2.00.1380.1097
10/11/99 02:21p 25,872 Smscimp.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1054
11/03/99 08:00p 550,672 Smsclreg.dll Alpha 2.00.1380.1063
09/28/99 05:29p 75,456 Sms_def.mof Alpha
01/03/00 06:42p 686,712 Swdist32.exe Alpha
10/27/99 02:52p 7,100,159 Wbemsdk.exe Alpha
NOTE: Because of file dependencies, the most recent hotfix or feature that contains the above files may also contain additional files.
NOTE: When you apply this client hotfix bundle, you may need to temporarily disable Logon Discovery and Installation to prevent possible client file mismatch in a single domain-multiple site hierarchy. This can result in the existing senior site designation being lost.
For additional information about special preparations before you apply this hotfix, click the article numbers below
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q238780 SMS: Best Practices for Applying Systems Management Server 2.0 SP1
Q235726 SMS: Specifying Senior Site for WinNT Logon Point Management
Client Hotfix Bundle Installation
Method 1: Using the Hotfix Installer
NOTE: You can use this method only for I386-based computers.
- Copy the hotfix folder structure to a local subfolder on your site server or to a share on your network. The I386 and Alpha subfolders are required and must also be downloaded from the Microsoft FTP site. It is important to keep the directory structure intact. The Q246527.exe file is a Microsoft Windows Installer file that updates specific files on your site server.
- Log on to your site server using an account with administrative privileges.
- On the site server, close the Systems Management Server Administrator
- Run the Q246527.exe file and follow the directions in the wizard. You can run this file in Quiet mode using the /s switch.
- The Systems Management Server services are stopped and restarted as part of the installation process. You need to stop the SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER and SMS_EXECUTIVE services again before continuing to the next step.
- From the Systems Management Server site database server, use a Microsoft SQL Server query tool (for example, Query Analyzer or ISQL/W) to open the 54831.sql script file. This file is located in the I386 subfolder you created in step 1.
- Select the Systems Management Server database from within the SQL Server query tool and run the script. If you use a common SQL Server computer for multiple site databases, apply this script to the site database belonging to the primary site you are updating.
- Restart the Systems Management Server site services. The new files are replicated to all logon points and client access points (CAPs). After all logon points and CAPs are updated, allow an additional 23 hours for clients to begin their update polling cycle.
- WARNING: Editing the Compver.ini file incorrectly can cause serious problems that may orphan your clients or cause them to become out of synchronization with the site. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the following step can be resolved. Use this step only if you have the specific component version problem described below.
Only continue with this step after all clients are installed. This step is necessary only if the early revision of the hotfix for Q240921 was previously applied and your Systems Management Server Client Base Component version is in the 2000 range (for example, 2.00.1380.20xx). Manually reset the component version in the Compver.ini file located in the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base folder. Change the component version from 2.00.1380.2004 to 2.00.1380.1072).
Method 2: Manual Installation
NOTE: You can use this method for both I386-based and Alpha-based site servers.
- Copy the hotfix folder structure to a local subfolder on your site server or to a share on your network. The I386 and Alpha subfolders are required and must also be downloaded from the Microsoft FTP site. It is important to keep the directory structure intact. The Q246527.exe file is a Microsoft Windows Installer file that updates specific files on your site server and can only be run on I386-based machines. Please refer to installation Method 1 in this article for information about how to use the Q246527.exe file.
- Close the Systems Management Server Administrator console and stop all Systems Management Server services from within Control Panel. If the SMS_SITE_BACKUP service is running, stop that as well.
- Copy the following files from the hotfix I386 folder into the drive\Sms\Bin\I386 folder:
- If Alpha-based support is enabled on the primary site, copy the following files from the hotfix Alpha folder into the drive\Sms\Bin\Alpha folder:
- Copy the following files from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base\platform folder:
- Copy the Apasetup.exe file from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Smsapm32\platform folder.
- Copy the following file from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Hinv\platform folder:
- Copy the following file from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\CliFiles.src\Hinv\platform folder:
Copy the Insinv32.exe file from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Sinv\platform folder.
- Copy the Swdist32.exe file from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Swdist\platform folder.
- Copy the Wbemsdk.exe file from the appropriate platform subfolder into the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Wbem\platform folder.
- WARNING: Editing the Compver.ini file incorrectly can cause serious problems that may orphan your clients or cause them to become out of synchronization with the site. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the following step can be resolved. Use this step only if you have the specific component version problem described below.
If your current Systems Management Server Client Base Component version is in the 1000 range (for example, 2.00.1380.10xx), replace the Compver.ini file in the
drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base folder with the Compver1072.ini file that is located in the hotfix bundle source folder after renaming this file to Compver.ini.
- If your current Systems Management Server Client Base Component version is in the 2000 range (for example, 2.00.1380.20xx), replace the Compver.ini file in the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base folder with the Compver2.ini file located in the hotfix bundle source folder. Note that you must rename the Compver2.ini file to Compver.ini.
- Replace the Compver.ini file in the
drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Smsapm32 folder with the Compver1110.ini file located in the hotfix bundle source folder after renaming this file to Compver.ini.
- Replace the Compver.ini file in the
drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Hinv folder with the Compver1054.ini file located in the hotfix bundle source folder after renaming this file to Compver.ini.
- Replace the Compver.ini file in the
drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Sinv folder with the Compver1070.ini file located in the hotfix bundle source folder after renaming this file to Compver.ini.
- Replace the Compver.ini file in the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Swdist folder with the Compver1110.ini file located in the hotfix bundle source folder after renaming this file to Compver.ini.
- From the Systems Management Server site database server, use a SQL Server query tool (for example, Query Analyzer or ISQL/W) to open the 54831.sql script file. This file is located in the appropriate platform folder within the hotfix subfolder you created in step 1.
- Select the Systems Management Server database from within the SQL Server query tool and run the script. If you are using a common SQL Server computer for multiple site databases, apply this script to the site database belonging to the primary site you are updating.
- Restart the Systems Management Server Site services. The new files are replicated to all logon points and CAPs. After all logon points and CAPs are updated, allow an additional 23 hours for clients to begin their update polling cycle.
- Only continue with this step after all clients are installed. This step is necessary only if the early revision of the hotfix for Q240921 was previously applied and your Systems Management Server Client Base Component version is in the 2000 range (for example, 2.00.1380.20xx). Manually reset the component version in the Compver.ini file located in the drive\Sms\Inboxes\Clicomp.src\Base folder. Change the component version from 2.00.1380.2004 to 2.00.1380.1072).
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbinterop kbnetwork kbsetup kbClient kbConfig kbDatabase kbMMC kbSecurity kbServer kbSMS200 kbAppMan kbInventory kbSMSAdmin kbStatSum kbSoftwareDist kbUpgrade kbWEBM
Version : winnt:2.0 SP1
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo