Error Installing Attachmate Extra! After SNA Server Client

ID: Q137436

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.11, 3.0
    on the following platforms: NT


Installing Attachmate Extra! for Windows Versions 4.1 through 5.0 after installing the SNA Server 2.11 or > Win3x client cause the following error to appear:

SNA Server Error: 598
No LAN userid found - perform NET LOGON
The error occurs during Attachmate's installation routine when it attempts to open a Sponsor connection to the SNA Server.


Attachmate Extra! for Windows Versions 4.1 through 5.0 include the SNA Server 2.10 Win3x client binaries to provide the SNA Server Client-Server interface. Therefore, installing Extra! for Windows after the SNA Server 2.11 Win3x client causes a conflict between the binaries for the two versions of the SNA Server Win3x client.

The SNA Server Win3x Client binaries are listed below:

NOTE: The SNA Server Win3x Setup Program copies the above .DLL files to the %winroot%\system directory and WNAP.EXE to the %snaroot% directory.


To use the SNA Server 2.11 or > Win3x client with Attachmate Extra! for Windows:

  1. Remove the SNA Server 2.11 or > Win3x client if it is still installed by running the SNA Client Setup program and selecting Remove the SNA Client.

  2. Install Attachmate Extra! for Windows.

  3. Run the SNA Server 2.11 or > Win3x client setup program, from the \CLIENTS\WIN3X directory on the SNA Server 2.11 CD.

  4. Select the option to remove the SNA Server client that is already installed. The setup program detects the presence of the SNA Server 2.10 Win3x client in the Extra! for Windows directory and gives you an option to Setup or Remove the currently installed client software.

  5. After the previous version of the SNA Server Win3x client is removed, re-run the SNA Server 2.11 or > Win3x client setup program to install the new version of the client software.

Additional query words: prodsna 3270 WNAP third-party

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbnetwork snawin3x
Version : WINDOWS:2.11,3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 18, 1999
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