How to Search SNA Server Articles by KB Subcategories
ID: Q140968
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.11, 2.11 SP1, 3.0
on the following platforms: NT
The following KBSubcategory keywords are used to help make queries of the
Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT Knowledge Base quicker and more
complete. The keywords have an "sna" prefix so that a full-text query will
not find the keyword in articles not directly related to the category.
SNA Server for Windows NT Knowledge Base Subcategories
Keyword Subcategory
snaadmin SNA Server 2.x Admin User Interface
snasetup SNA Setup/Install
snadlc 802.2 DLC Link Service
snasdlc SDLC Link Service
snachannel Channel Link Service
snatwinax Twinax Link Service
snax25 X.25 Link Service
sna3270 SNA 3270
sna5250 SNA 5250
snaappc SNA APPC
snacpic SNA Server CPIC
snalua SNA Server LUA RUI and SLI
snacsv SNA Server Common Service Verb
snaeis SNA Server EIS
snadis SNA Server SNADIS
snados SNA Server MS-DOS Client
snawin3x SNA Server Windows 3.x Client
snaos2 SNA Server OS/2 Client
snawin95 SNA Server Windows 95 Client
snawinnt SNA Server Windows NT Client
snahostsec SNA Server Host Security
snaencrypt SNA Client/Server Encryption
snaprog SNA Programming/SDK
sna3rdparty SNA Third-Party Products
snaras SNA RAS
snaaftp SNA AFTP
snatn3270 SNA TN3270
snatp SNA Transaction Programs
snadls SNA Distributed Link Service
snamanager SNA Server 3.0 Manager
snasharedfolders SNA 3.0 AS/400 Shared Folders
snaprintservice SNA 3.0 Print Service
snatn5250 SNA 3.0 TN5250 Service
snabaseservice SNA Server SnaBase Service
snaserverservice SNA Server SnaServer Service
snatrace SNA Server Trace Program
snammc SNA Server Microsoft Management Console
snacomti SNA Server COM Transaction Integrator
snaoledb SNA OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM
snapassthru SNA Server PU Passthrough
Use the following keywords to query on specific products. The keywords have
a "prod" prefix so that a full-text query will not find the keyword in
articles not directly related to the product.
Keyword Product
prodnt Windows NT version 3.1
Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5 and 3.51
Windows NT Server versions 3.5 and 3.51
prodsna SNA Server for Windows NT, versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.11
prodsms Systems Management Server
prodiis Internet Information Server
prodtcp32 TCP/IP-32 for Windows for Workgroups
prodlm LAN Manager
prodlm2nt LAN Manager to Windows NT Advanced Server Upgrade
Additional query words:
Keywords : snadft
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,2.1,2.11,2.11 SP1,3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :