LocalLU Not Registered on Windows Client If Queued = Operator

ID: Q148325

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.11, 2.11 SP1
    on the following platforms: NT


When you use the SNA Server Windows 3.x client software in SNA Server 2.11 or Service Pack 1 and an operator-started transaction program (TP), the LocalLU parameter does not work if you specify "queued=operator" for the Windows 3.x client and start the transaction program.


The SNA Server Windows client software is not setting the LocalLU parameter correctly when an operator started TP is invoked.

If multiple client computers are running the same operator started TP, this problem causes SNA Server to route an incoming conversation startup request (an SNA FMH-5 Attach RU) to a randomly selected client computer, instead of being routed to the specific client which has the LocalLU configured.

This problem does not occur with Windows NT, Windows 95 or Windows client computers with "queued=yes" specified. For more information about the LocalLU parameter, see Chapter 2 of the SNA Server APPC or CPIC Programmer's Guide.


To work around this problem, configure the transaction program to allow SNA Server to automatically start it. To do this, set Queued to yes (for example: queued=yes). In addition, make sure that the LocalLU parameter is properly registered on a Windows client computer. Do the following:

  1. Run the graphical WSHOWMEM utility, which is installed with the SNA Server Windows 3.x client software.

  2. Double-click the "Service Sum" window and maximize the display. This displays the state of the internal SNA Server client service table entries (used by the SNA Server client software).

  3. In the "comname" column, locate the row which lists the TP name you can invoke. On the second column of this row, make sure that the "In-Use" flag is set to 1 (indicating that the TP that can be invoked is registered). For example:
       index in/ss prctyp type comname/boxname    pipename  date   time
         0    0/0    0      0          /                           00:00:00
         .     .     .      .          .              .        .     .
         7    1/4    9     26  cpicrecv/steved3   com2127   08/03  16:18:50 
    In this example, CPICRECV is the invokable transaction program name. The "type" field may be 26 (or 0x1a) for a manually started invokable TP, 5 for an auto-started invokable TP, or 6 for a non-queued auto- started invokable TP. See Chapter 2 of the APPC or CPIC Programmer's Guide for more information about invokable TP Service Types.

  4. Double-click the invokable TP name. Details of this specific service table entry appears. The last row of the display shows the Local LU name configured for this invokable TP. For example:
    shr.svc[7].srv.szLUName  = 'RECVLU  ' 
    In this example, the Local LU name associated with this invokable TP is RECVLU.

To correct this problem, obtain the updated SNA Server Windows 3.x client software mentioned below.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server 2.11 and SNA Server 2.11 service pack 1. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):


Additional query words: prodsna

Keywords : kbnetwork ntnetserv kbbug2.11 kbfix2.11.sp2
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,2.1,2.11,2.11 SP1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 19, 1999
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