The TN3270 Server Does Not Check for a Best LU to IP Match

ID: Q148966

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.11, 2.11 SP1
    on the following platforms: NT


The TN3270E server does not do any checking of which LU to IP matches are better than others.


One possible workaround is to reorder the pools in the configuration. Place the pool with the pool you want the user to use first last in the list.


The following example shows where the TN3270 Server Service may allocate an user's session to a pool that the administrator did not expect:

Pool Configuration

  • Pool_A is configured to allow any workstation access. To do this, assign the IP Address to and the subnet mask to in the Edit Configuration for <pool_name> dialog box.

  • Pool_B is configured to only allow users on subnet 130.1.x.x. To do this, assign the IP Address to 130.1.x.x and the subnet mask to in the Edit Configuration for <pool_name> dialog box.

The Administrator's Preference

The Administrator's preference is for users to get a session through Pool_B first, and then Pool_A second.

The Result

If a workstation from the 130.1.x.x subnet tries to make a connection to the TN3270E Server, the TN3270E Server will not check for the best LU to IP match causing the workstation to potentially get an LU from Pool_A.

Additional query words: 2.11 prodsna sp1 service pack 1

Keywords : snageneral
Version : WINDOWS:2.11,2.11 SP1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 19, 1999
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