Browsing Shared Folders w/ IBM CA/400v3r1 Shows Local Drive

ID: Q149704

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.1, 2.11, 3.0
    on the following platforms: NT


The IBM Client Access, 400 Network Connections applet (icon titled Folders) contains a browse button that presents the available AS/400s. When you double-click one of the Systems (AS/400s), you should receive a list of the selected AS/400s shared folders. Instead, you will receive a list of directories on the local hard drive.


IBM CA/400 returns the incorrect drive if the Microsoft Windows 32-bit file access option is enabled.


To disable 32-bit File Access in Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, do the following:

  1. In Control Panel, select the Enhanced icon.

  2. Select the Virtual Memory button.

  3. Select the Change button.

  4. Clear the Use 32-Bit File Access option.

  5. Shutdown and reboot Windows for Workgroups for the change to take effect.


This problem is not seen in IBM Client Access/400 v3r1m1.

Additional query words: prodsna Client Access IBM CA/400 CA\400 w

Keywords : kbusage ntnetserv
Version : WINDOWS:2.1,2.11,3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 4, 1999
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